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Sir Stache


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  1. My Ideas/Recommendations: Gang dens, specific places that would allow the gangs to base and war on each-other without having firefights on the main drag. Would also give CP a good place to patrol Underground area, could be made into any assortment of illegal/sketchy buildings, a place for black market deals to take place and rebellions to be undertaken Larger/more spacious PD & Flushed out jail More alleyways and spots for hobos to build, let those creative hobos showcase their buildings! Fancy and sketchy apartment buildings Security/camera room in PD, has an assortment of cameras fixed in place around the main areas of the map that can be monitored at the PD Rotating/cycling NPC locations, E.G. the extreme gambler spawns at the different places around the map on occasion. (Would be cool if it responded to player/job count, wherein a lot of active CPs would make the gambler spawn in the hidden sketchy places, and a low CP count means he spawns out in the open. More, larger stores. Multiple roads leading in and out of every area, No more areas that only have one road leading in and out. Spread out NPC spawns and have non-RP related NPCs (Custom class creator/editor, etc) only spawning in the player spawn. Try to make some, not all areas somewhat easily controlled by a king or party
  2. Description: When using the CC Editor in game you can swap out weapons at will. However, if you have bought a $5 gun like an AWP you should be able to only swap it for other $5 weapons, this is not the case. You can swap $5 weapons for 10$ weapons. How to reproduce: Use the CC Editor in game, select a $5 weapon and then select a $10 weapon from the menu to swap it out with, like stealthcamo. Priority: That is more Sugar's discretion, but I would say high. Also, when I found this bug I noticed that you cannot switch items worth $10 back to weapons worth 5. Would it be a possibility to have a $10 item swapped for two $5 weapons? (after you fix this bug, of course)
  3. As some of you may have noticed I have been inactive for some time now, but for good reason. My HDD failed tragically and without warning a few weeks ago. All was lost. I have since been saving to replace it. Nearing my goal in this it seems my computer will be back in working order fairly soon. Sorry for not informing you of my absence beforehand, though the failure was abrupt and I was not anticipating it. Shoutout to Sugar or not revoking my staff position while I was gone, thanks buddy.
  4. Why was the slider tool removed? If it is at all possible I would like it added back in please.
  5. "Changing the map = suicide "
  6. I have ShadowPlay recording when I am on at all times, I will make an effort to sniff out and report everyone not doing their jobs. WITCH HUNT!
  7. I agree, this map has an underground city area thing and a sewer, perhaps we could use this one (there is a version without the sewer if you want) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=494889294 The spawn has some new buildings in it though, If we do go to this map the spawn should probably be moved to the fountain so that we do not have to prohibit basing in a few new buildings. The map does not really add giant new areas, rather is used a lot of wasted space to drastically increase the amount of usable buildings. I like the map, and it is not too far of a stretch from our version of downtown,
  8. Actually, its auto because it has the measurement AU in it, 1 AU is equal to 150 million KM.
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