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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Dathouse

  1. I blew the fan out with a pressurised tank thing and im getting a new mouse and PC at "Winter Holiday" Note: My mouse lasted me 2 years so im not sad about it dying
  2. My mouse wont work half the time and the fan sounds like A factory. Im gonna be less active for A while when I try to fix it.
  3. Theres one thats a custom class and i got shot from inside the PD room. thing and he was RIGHT up to the window and i got shot. and he was closer to the ground then a sperm cell and i still got shot from the window. and i couldent see him. AND ALSO the link model i havent seen it recently but it was short and the camera was normal player height. i got pissed at that
  4. Why the fuck are some playermodels short but the camera is normal player level? I call that cheating.
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