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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Scoredd

  1. Scoredd


    Quality of Life Description: Kidnappers are allowed to KO anyone without advert and then take you wherever the only problem I have with this is that they usually either stick you in propblock (Majority of time) or in their base then leave you. And also everytime you get kidnapped even if you escape you still have to kill yourself which I got kidnapped as Mayor and saved by police but had to kill myself if I wanted to use my tools. If there is a way to make it so you can get unkidnapped maybe by just waiting some time, and not having to kill yourself that'd be great. How to reproduce: Kidnap Priority: Low
  2. Scoredd


    Bug Description: I bought about 200k-300k Worth of stocks from RRD not positive on how many, and about 70k-100k Worth from Facebook so I logged on the next day it said the RRD stocks no longer exist type yes to sell, It showed the stocks but with no name,description or anything at the stock guy but when I typed yes everything disappeared and it gave me no money back after selling, I sold the facebook stocks and those worked fine I made 70$ profit on each stock. How to reproduce: Well I can't find the same stocks that I bought but all I did was buy RRD then wait like a day and came back to sell and it did that. Priority: Medium
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