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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Scoredd

  1. Hi all, I am posting an inactivity notice but it's not that I am not going to be active at all. It's just that I started working and it's long hours so by the time I get home I'm pretty much ready to goto sleep then have to wake up 5 AM to go back to work. So the main time i'll be active are the weekends just wanted to let everyone know I am not quitting and explain the huge drop in activity.
  2. I believe he's asking if you can enter PD as a cop then switch to Mayors Assassin when your in the mayors room.. And no you are not allowed to do that it falls under the common sense rule.
  3. Quality of Life Description: Raiding the PD vault spits out three shipments of shitty weapons and takes forever to rob. So the preferred option I'd say make the vault spit out higher quality( Howls,Asimovs,Lightsabers,Blowtorches,C4,material grenades, stuff like that.) and don't change time it takes to raid, or leave the quality and reduce time to like 80 seconds. I think the quality should be upped though because the things it spits out now isn't even worth raiding. It's not easy to raid vault so I think the reward should be worth the risk. Also not sure if this is true but pretty positive the vault doesn't give the money it says it gives after successfully raiding it. How to reproduce: Raid the PD vault spits out three low quality shipments. Priority: Low
  4. Make it so you can spit the pick-up box out with a button so you don't have to wait the complete time. Like mash E to eat for 30 seconds then mash E again to spit it out early if you want.
  5. Then that's bullshit, trial mods/mods/admins should be held to the same standard as players not up on a pedestal. If this video would of been anyone else but a staff member it would of been a punishment, actually he would of been either kicked or banned before this video ever made it to forums.
  6. I know, that's my point Kalysta... But wouldn't breaking rules be considered "Going rogue?"
  7. Every time I see someone doing anti AFK, I would usually kick them. However, if it was a mod doing it, I can't just kick them. I would ask them why they're doing it in the first place. Anti AFK is to stay on the server when there are a lot of people on. And if you are doing it, then you are taking a spot from someone who would actually be playing. This only proves my point mods are not held to the same standard as players, mod or player if your AFK your doing the server no good and taking up a spot. How can you ask a mod why their AFK if their AFK they aren't gonna answer so you just leave them be? Cause I have never seen a report about a AFK mod, and mods aren't allowed to do anything to other mods.. So nothing happens.
  8. How's it not against rules when regular players get kicked out of game (regardless of how full it is or isn't) for anti-afk. The fact is that mods are not held to the same standard as players, mods are not even allowed to do anything if they see another mod breaking rules, they must report it on the forums which IMO is dumb.. Guarantee if I AFK-mined as bank manager over night Piklas would have me kicked cause he's hypocritical as shit.
  9. I know there is two perks that you unlock that says "Cannot be tracked by a bounty hunter"... And then a few levels later it says "20% chance to not be tracked by a bounty hunter"
  10. Wowww, And then he vote-demotes other bank managers who aren't open to public though he isn't and he's AFKing as bank manager/mining. And he literally puts props at the tunnel so noone else can get it... How is this guy a mod?
  11. With the resources did you mash the drop or use item button? Use item will drop one of it whereas drop will drop the whole stack because they haven't been used/pocketed yet.
  12. Buff jugg? He's already freakin OP I say nerf jugg if anything.
  13. I called staff but he said make a report on forums, I'd also like to note a crafting table disappeared so not only farming entities.. I'm about to call an admin to check that though thanks for tip.
  14. Bug? Description: So me and a friend were basing in a sewer room and I had 2 printers/1 processor and went outside the base for a minute, my friend then tells my my stuffs disappeared yet he's been watching everything the whole time. (His items on the opposite side of the room were not affected) Then today I had 6 printers and one processor in the same side of the room then turn around for 2 seconds to place a prop (I had just checked and everything was full failsafe/battery) I then turn back around after placing the prop (my door was still locked and was only entrance) and my stuffs disappeared again. And it wasn't stolen because the printers could be rebought problem was it made me lose 4 other printers from two players that were high level. How to reproduce: Wait a good while with farming entities placed in right side of sewer room. Screenshot of room : https://imgur.com/a/Tyyro Priority: Low/Medium
  15. Lol every number of your birthday is mine +1. 7-27-98
  16. I've never seen anything like this before. Could you provide some kind of evidence? This would 100% be grounds for a demotion. Create a report thread. I have personally kicked/banned at least 3 players and warned/muted no less than 10 for disrespecting other players in the last couple of months. The last time I remember us having a report in which a staff member was disrespecting a player for no reason, it was a 50/50 split on whether to demote now or give a warning and demote next time. I think it only took three screenshots of chat to begin the shit storm. If your kicked how are you suppose to screenshot chat logs? And I understand you may not see it, that's the whole reason it's called abuse..The mods know what their doing and it's usually done through microphone so you can't screenshot, and they know it's rare for a player to actually record seeing as it can make the game way laggier. But next time i'll make sure to attempt to get evidence although the mod (especially if already trusted) can easily make up a lie saying there was an altercation that happened before the time that I screenshotted or something along those lines. Like I said, I think staff diss should be removed still, unless admins/mods are held to the standard that players are, (Must show proof and argue their cause without any bias on forums and not just warn/kick in game. But I believe there's tons of bias that happens among the moderators)
  17. Staff disrespect is not a thing. As stated in the rules, staff are no better than normal players, we are just given the power to "police" If you will the rule breakers. "Staff disrespect" is treated the exact same as player disrespect. It doesn't become a big deal until it turns into persistent harassment. Whoever told these staff members that staff disrespect was any different than standard player disrespect was wrong and sadly misguided Yet all you have to do is call a staff an idiot to get warned or kicked, but if you disrespect or another player disrespects you, first off you have to be able to prove it which usually means you'll need screenshot or video proof which you will then have to post to forums about the other player and maybe have spent 30 minutes doing so in which case the other player will argue his side probably make up some lies and in the long run basically nothing gets done and nobody can video 24/7 as it lags most peoples games... It's abused by some mods and I have never seen a player warned/kicked for disrespecting another player or a mod kicked for disrespecting a player which happens a lot. Which also reminds me the fact that admins need 0 proof yet a player has to have screenshots or either (majority of time) videos.
  18. Remove staff diss rule, unless you plan to change it into No disrespect to anyone, which would only make this server PC and shit the whole reason it's great is due to the offensiveness. Anyways, Staff diss is abused, hypocritical, and contradicting. It's abused seeing as most staff react based off feelings especially if they were the "victim" and because they are mostly young, anyways as soon as they get mad they goto calling everyone everything in the book yet when someone says something that pisses the first mod off immediately warned or kicked for staff disrespect and usually the mod will speak very condescendingly to attempt to piss the player off even more so he will retaliate and get kicked/ banned It's hypocritical and contradicting because like I said admins will call you every name in the book yet you call them one thing and your in the wrong and their not, which contradicts the rule "Staff are not above the rules/laws." Maybe if your in a sit with someone and all they do is insult you instead of speaking reasonably it could be valid but I'd more of call that minging/NITRP.
  19. Scoredd


    Okay so I went and bought 80k more stocks from Facebook, sold them, and it didn't give me my money back again. So i'm about 280k-380k In the hole as of now and stocks is not working properly.
  20. Scoredd


    But I stated the police/SWAT saved him, so he was protected.. Kidnapped doesn't mean finished.
  21. Scoredd


    Yes I realize you can kill yourself after a certain amount of time but like I said what if you're mayor and escape if you kill yourself you lose mayor if you don't you can't use your tools. Any other job I don't see a huge problem with resetting I suppose but still I think if you escape kidnap you shouldn't have to kill yourself because you could have had expensive items that you can't drop/pocket after you escape. Also even with keypad in base how are you suppose to escape if you can't use your tools?
  22. Scoredd


    Quality of Life doesn't mean it's a bug I know it's intentional.
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