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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Glaze

  1. Also, PLEASE add in a multi-parent and multi-nocollide tool, I need it to make boats.
  2. The new hacker phone is really cool but I think a couple of player-based hacks would be cool. Here's a couple of suggestions that I think would be cool. Jam a Person's screen (Makes it practically impossible to see, kinda like the Black Ops EMP but worse) - 3 points Hack the Bank (Takes a small amount of money from a player instantly) - 8 points Gun Jam (Empties the current magazine of the target) - 5 points
  3. Welcome back ZeshThedoge, how is your server dank rp? I'm not zesh what the fuck
  4. never had one stalin is cool too I guess
  5. hi I'm back again I'll probably disappear in like a week because school and shit bye
  6. Jesus, it looks amazing! I should really learn to use hammer lmao
  7. I have an idea. The current state of the lawyer is too serious and will never work, so why don't we give him a swep that plays the objection line from Pheonix Wright and uncuffs someone or unarrests someone instantly.
  8. I have a ton of experience in MS-Paint :^)
  9. Glaze

    Title suggestion

    I would agree, but we should change the title to "Permabanned" and we should IP ban him from the server and the website.
  10. I see blacnova browsing this thread... Please, ready the warn cannons.
  11. >2009 Is that your birth year, or? Because this was a thing long, long, long before then... it's a meme I was born in 2002 What meme? 2009 memes is a meme have you watched any commentary channel ever
  12. >2009 Is that your birth year, or? Because this was a thing long, long, long before then... it's a meme I was born in 2002
  13. He wrote that I have the vocabulary and the spelling of a 12 year old. So not only did he say that but can you quote where I flamed him? https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=3950&pid=23934#pid23934 Right there, and please stop pretending as if none of that was offensive, and we're just looking at it in the wrong way. What Cullen said was backlash as he was mad that you were making fun of his appearance. Was it uncalled for? Yes, did it hurt your feelings as what you sent him may have? Probably. Before you write your next post, keep in mind that if you write any sort of excuse or try to make a loophole (which is one of the main reasons you've gotten in trouble before for), I will close this thread. In addition, the next post that you make which is even remotely similar to a thread such as this one will result in a permanent 50% warning. We both know that what he said was not the same type of flame as what you said. W O A H 50% warning? That's worse than the holocaust.
  14. Aight, so I've been enjoying my time as a user and I've been mainly messing around with weapon mods and I have a couple of ideas. First of all, add a new tier above legendary called Mythic. It would sell for about $1 mil and would have really buffed stats and a supercharged status effect; for example, the explosive bullet chance would go from 1% -> 10%. Also, add in a trade-up table, that allows players to exchange a number of any ranked guns for a higher rank. This would be the same model as the weapon modifier, but instead of just randomly modifying weapons, it takes the value of the gun and stores it in energy. So say someone puts a common weapon into the table, it would store 3500 energy points, as the cost of a common is $3,500. So the conversion rates would be like this: Common: 3,500 energy Uncommon: 15,000 energy Epic: 65,000 energy Legendary: 350,000 energy Mythic: 1,000,000 energy This would also cost the same to put these status effects onto a blank gun, so the actual conversion rates for the guns would be: (All figures rounded to the whole number, most of these require some long chain of decimal places but you can't have .3921391238912398 of a gun) Common -> Uncommon: 5 Guns Common -> Epic: 19 Guns Common -> Legendary: 100 Guns Common -> Mythic: 286 Guns Uncommon -> Epic: 5 Guns Uncommon -> Legendary: 24 Guns Uncommon -> Mythic: 67 Guns Epic -> Legendary: 6 Guns Epic -> Mythic: 16 Guns Legendary -> Mythic: 3 Guns These can also be reversed due to the way the guns are exchanged, so you could theoretically exchange a legendary for 100 commons, but why would you want to do that? Now before anyone says: THIS IS OVERPOWERED REEEEEEE, just think of it this way: You are selling your guns for a different form of currency which can be used to buy rarer guns. It's pretty much the same as buying a legendary weapon with 100 common guns, just quicker and easier.
  15. Glaze


    You're not funny
  16. Include a rep system for trading. Basically, after every trade, you can either give +rep or -rep or no rep. This would contribute to a number in total that would display as a rank in the trade menu. The tiers would be: -10 and below: Scammer -9 to -6: Untrustworthy -5 to -1: Shady 0: Neutral +1 to +5: Reputable +6 to +9: Trusted +10 and above: Verified There would also be a number of special tags that would only apply in certain situations, here's a couple of examples: Rep Farmer: Given if someone is convicted of rep farming. This could be seen through trade logs and applied by a moderator. Previous Scammer: If someone manages to get out of the rep bracket of scammer, their profile will remain forever tarnished with this rank. Certified Trader: This could be given to people who have had a large rep amount over a large period of time. I don't know, just a suggestion.
  17. Now here's an idea: Have spawn be above the map on an elevated platform from everything else. To get down to the main map, you have to use a teleporter (with a cool animation of course) or take a drop pod down. Completely useless, but cool.
  18. We're not that interested in money as far as servers go. Everything you can buy in the donation shop can be earned with in game money. VIPs already have votekick/ban and ts3 is bad, we have a discord. This server has been alive for a while and we're doing good on funds as far as I'm aware, the 'pay to play is unnecessary' format is working out just fine.
  19. Taxes are .05% of your cash If you have 10,000 you lose $5 100,000 = 50 1,000,000 = 500 10,000,000 = 5,000 100,000,000 = 50,000 At most if the server was filled and every single player had 1,000,000 the CP would get 35,000 distributed to all of them. Whats the point? It has RP aspects and gives an incentive to play PD. Without PD there is nothing to fight against besides yourselves. In that case, make it so that the mayor cannot tax during his grace period, as it is impossible to do anything if he has a grace period. I rarely never base, and it seems pretty unfair that I just get my money drained away over and over again while there's practically anything I can do.
  20. Remove taxes. There's seriously no point in them and it just pisses everyone off
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