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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by iEpic

  1. *Asks for more reps*
  2. wait sugar has a birthday?!
  3. Rather than making kidnapping KOS for everyone, make a job that is dedicated to hunting down kidnappers, maybe they get an alert whenever someone is kidnapped
  4. I disagree i believe kidnapping shouldn't be KOS without rp relation. It is totally out of RP to kill someone across the map for kidnapping.
  5. iEpic


    cause it's the only good anime
  6. iEpic


    yes kalaysta
  7. iEpic


    hi i'm iEpic here's a little something about me i don't flirt favorite color is green dragon ball super is the only anime i will watch and i am chill ; )
  8. i dik dosed inside IEpic's discord and saw that you were talking about very perverted things and meeting irl. bruh you trippin tf?
  9. iEpic


    Bo Burnham is Accepted! Make sure to pm me in game when you see me! if you want ;o
  10. Original Gang What we do: We are a pretty chill as in all we do is grind, and sometimes raid if necessary. Rules: 1. No Drama 2. No rulebreakers 3. No leeching (XP) 4. Provide the gang with things like base dupes, xp, etc... How to join: IGN: Steam name: Will you be on atleast 2 times a week: What can you provide for Original: Accepted users will PM iEpic to invite them to the gang.
  11. iEpic

    Cl0ut give away

    Winners will be contacted in game!
  12. yea i am, and yes i have 5 mil
  13. iEpic's Cl0ut giveaway! 1st place gets 5 million 2nd place gets a week on my CC 3rd place gets 1 million points How to enter, Just follow the format below: IGN? Steam Name? Best Memory with me? (optional if I don't know you) Discord (optional)? Winners will be receiving rewards on December 24th. If I like you I guess you'll have a higher chance of winning. Good luck!
  14. made the same report. not working for me either
  15. Well this is the list for STAFF. Respected are just people who been on the server for a while and are known. They aren't really meant to do staff duties. That is the reason why they aren't on here. Pretty sure respected are demoted staff. No, Respected are people who been on the server for a while. So basically trusted by people. Well then how come Piklas, Moist, and Peanut got it who all happen to be demoted staff?
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