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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Danklord25.3

  1. Quick suggestion, make it to where modified weapons classify as different ones. If you don't understand let me just say what happened to me. I was playing assassin and recently bought a legendary scout from someone. Forgot the assassin spawned with a scout and used the legendary. Made it disappear because I already have one. Would be nice to prevent that, maybe by making it to where modified weapons are a different slot or something like that?
  2. Not sure how hard this would be to do but my suggestion is to add in a display that shows the stats of weapons that have been modified in the inventory. Now as I am almost always modifying weapons it's hard to look in my inventory and see which weapon I want to grab out, the names help a little bit but a lot of the time the names stay the same and it's hard to remember what stats they have for example look at my inventory currently: [image: haicr] Now how would you choose your weapons? If I want a shotgun that has boosted damage I would have to take out each shotgun one at a time and drop them to see what stats they have and if I want to use it. Keep in mind these are only the uncommons I currently have, I think if it showed stats in the inventory it would help everyone that modifies weapons out a TON. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  3. I think there needs to be an alternative to gain money as fast as processor spamming yet have high risks, such as an area that lets you kos anyone but there is a point you can capture and if you capture it it pays you a certain amount of money, the money would of course be your choice to make the server as balanced as possible but some people don't have hours and hours to spend each day spamming processors and other types of long time farming items.
  4. tbh putting names doesn't do anything for anyone. Simply scam then change steam name/pic and in game name then relog and bam you're open to scam again.
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