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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by ParallelBear

  1. I have been crashing alot too, but not in a sit.
  2. hecko everyone, I was kinda nervous at first to make this post. I dont have many friends on the server, I was wondering if anyone wanted to be my friend and base together sometimes. Just pm me on here on pm me in game!
  3. When piixel tells you you have a good chance of winning and you dont win anything xD! Theres always next time!
  4. So today I got my first ever own cc with 10 mil that I farmed for! :)
  5. Dont even get me started on the K9 dogs, the hitbox is so messed up.
  6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPLICATION START HOW MANY HOURS ON THE SERVER DO YOU HAVE:I have 166 hours on the server. HAVE YOU READ THE RULES OF THE SERVER: Yes I have read the rules for the server. WHAT CAN YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THE GANG:I can put down some good base dupes to help other members farm. HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU HAVE:I have like 2mil. DO YOU OWN A CC: Personally no, but I do have have access DO YOU RAID: Yes I raid. DO YOU BASE: Yes I base. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Im not. Sorry man, ur on now Change it, yena got salty and kicked me because he kept no clipping in my base with out my consent so I killed him. Yena kicked you without asking my bad, u can join back if u want mate also removing some people Forget it.
  8. Im not. Sorry man, ur on now Change it, yena got salty and kicked me because he kept no clipping in my base with out my consent so I killed him.
  9. hecko everyone, when i try to connect I get a problem that says. "connection failed after 6 retries." I have tried various things like,restarting my pc,restarting my Garrys Mod,going into single player and then disconnecting and then trying to connect and it still wont work.
  10. I was under the impression you were in cx? I leave cx to join tunnel.
  11. Gmod hours:2,764 What you can contribute to our gang:I can build some good bases. Are you liked? Be honest.: Some what. Do you raid?:Yes. Do you base?:Yes. You cool? Gotta be cool: Heck ya! --addition information-- Iam a Trial-Moderator on the server, I dont have many dupes. Lost all my money to the extreme Gambler.
  12. The "I'm Posting this at a Library" had me laughing so hard. See ya soon!
  13. [video=youtube] This made me laugh so hard.
  14. Hey Bear! I'm Mentor Peanut Butter. You can often find me in the Staff Building next to the Spawn Hall or somewhere around the PD. I will be glad to help you familiarize yourself with the rules and become a part of the Tits community! HOOOOO-WWEEEEE Wb wanted how was your vacation? These are gold Thank you very much but I already read all the rules, but the offer was very much appreciated!
  15. hecko my name is ParallelBear, but I liked to be called Bear. I play on the server often. I love the Rick and Morty show! I hope you all will accept me. I hope to see some of you guys in game! Thanks for clicking on this post! <3
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