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Kidd Mute


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Kidd Mute

  1. Exploit Description: I was basing in an apartment with Famous Afrikan Cuisine when we get raided by Reiko Bear. We kill him and he comes back, doesnt't raid us, but throws molotovs at the outside of our base. We had 19 printers on the other side of the wall that he threw the molotovs at and they all blew up. Not blaming Reiko, but we lost a lot of money. Basically, fire can travel through building walls. How to reproduce: Find a wall that is thin enough for molotov fire to go through. Throw molotov at wall and listen to the people on the inside cry. Priority: (High, Medium, Low)
  2. I was demoted for "noclip abuse". Someone had requested an admin and said they accidentally used a timebomb. I was using noclip because I was trying to put it out of sight. He said that he once got banned for mass rdm. I was only trying to help. If you watch closely, you can see me trying to remove a timebomb from the map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvO0Fh86A4o
  3. Make printers freezable. It's always a hassle to set up printers. You always have to set up props to make them easy to access, but sometimes they freak out after accidentally walking over them.
  4. Sorry this post isn't a suggestion, but I couldn't find a thread about being promoted. I will be on all of today, and if any admins will be online to promote me, hmu. Rpname-i got downs
  5. Is it possible to make it so after you get PD raided (and everything gets breached so everything loses its world glow so you can not see through it) to keep its world glow? Or is that just Garry's Mod Default
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