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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Kryptonite

  1. Do you want a model that's not already on the workshop? Is your model T-Posing? Is the model you want a ragdoll but not a playermodel? Is your model above 2 MB on the workshop? I can easily fix / do any of those, and all you have to do is give me a link.


     Custom Model Importing

    You must have $5,000,000 in-game

    You must REP me in-game

    The model has to be adult human sized


    T-Posed Models

    You must have $3,000,000

    You must REP me in-game


    Compressing 2MB+

    You must have $2,000,000 in-game

    • You must send me a link in replies

     You must REP me in-game


    Where Do I Find Custom Models?


    How Do I Contact?

    Discord: Kryptonite#0255

    Thread Replies


    How Do You Do It?

    I can give skeletons to non-skeleton models and rig the model, then convert to Gmod as a playermodel.

    I can compress models by extracting the contents in an addon, you will never know the rest.


    What Do I Need?



    Know how to REP

    A link to the downloadable model


    Previous Commissions

    Moist Chicken (Compressing 2MB+)

    Reiko Bear (Compressing 2MB+)


    More Information

  2. Props to you for apologizing. People don't usually have the guts to write a whole paragraph and say sorry, it's really respectful of you. I'll see what other staff say if they forgive you I may change my decision and actually read your application.

    • Like 1
  3. A way for people to actually claim Mailboxes and set the price when a parcel is delivered to like 3k maximum and the time doing the delivery, and once the parcel gets delivered the person will receive some kind of package with food with abilities or health or random junk, etc. It's like a ez trading system

  4. Bug Exploit / Quality of Life



    Description: Having the Help Cop talent lets you teleport to a cop while kidnapped. And you can teleport to the cop anytime after they called for backup.


    How to reproduce: Wait for a cop to call for backup or don't wait at all, and if you're kidnapped and you have the "Help Cop" talent which lets you teleport to a cop that called for backup, you could easily escape kidnap by pressing help cop on the talent menu.


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Low

  5. A bail system for the lawyer, and give the lawyer access to unlock jail cell doors, not the pd doors, no unarrest baton

    And for prisoners to press E on the lawyer to bail themselves out for a price. And a "/bailprice $" system

    The description of lawyer says there's a system if you press E to bail but we tested it out and nothing actually happens



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