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Eric Jonson


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Eric Jonson

  1. I think this is a great idea. It would add some RP to the server and you can cover a story about how fair i am as mayor(If anyone has ever seen me as mayor you will know how bull this is lol)
  2. Said this in the shoutbox but i will say it here as well. Mate admins are humans to they can only do so much. It says there are 80+ people on. There are probs other reports that need handled and they are probs busy. Be patient mate
  3. LOL next time i'll be the one kidnapping and killing you for Allah lol can't threaten me with a good time c; Oh Christ. I gotta find your weakness before i can get the correct revenge.
  4. LOL next time i'll be the one kidnapping and killing you for Allah lol
  5. Thanks mate. I'll pass on the candy lol. Don't really care for it
  6. That was grand. That Preacher will be making a return soon as well :D
  7. hecko lads i'm Eric Jonson and here i will tell you people a little bit about myself. I love playing games and chatting with friends. I also enjoy anime and i plan on becoming a police officer someday. I've been on the server for a few days now and i have met some great people. I hope to meet even more great people as well. See you all here on the forums or the server :)
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