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MATT (2)


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by MATT (2)

  1. MATT (2)

    CP March

    i got it on video dude: https://youtu.be/cYwriDHWm9A Edit: Oh god its terrible.... i need to get OBS fixed
  2. MATT (2)

    CP March

    So Today we had a cp march, i got the ending recorded, ill upload it tomorrow, in the mean time, the rest of the people can talk about it!
  3. hecko! My name is MATT, and I have played gmod for quite a long while (i have over 2.75k hours on it on steam...) I plan on applying for staff once I hit 15 hours on the server so I can help out, with my experience staffing other DarkRP servers being useful in that goal. If you wanna know more about me, just ask!
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