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The Big Dong


The Big Dong's Achievements



  1. Hitman's maximum price is $5000, you cant go higher than $5000 so that is the limit, dont make that job worse... I set mine to $1000 all the time and make a max of 20k within 1 hour or so. Its not OP, Meth is OP since you can create 80lb's of meth and sell it for 120k every 15 minutes or so.
  2. Those were the only jobs worth being because they were the most fun. Now there gone and us non donators have nothing to combat the crazy VIP's with there OP class's..... Please tell me it will be readded?
  3. I made this base that took 1 fucking hour to build, it was the hardest base to raid. Then as I am starting to create meth, THE SERVER CRASHES All of my fucking hard work gone.
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