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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by TheDavid

  1. But he shot through me
  2. So i was doing a sit about another person having Godmode. I accept the sit and bring both players. The person who reported started shooting the guy who supposbly had godmode, the guy who supposbly had godmode didnt take dmg. I was Baffled so i tested if i did dmg and i did do dmg. Shortly after i was Skeptical so i told the player who was reporting to shoot through the guy and sure enough it killed me. I go back to the sit with my GODLY POWERS and the player who reported him Fired more shots and then finally killed him. I dont know if this was a bug or he was hacking or exploiting but ill post it here. https://plays.tv/video/5a1265b3129f8f8360/wtgf
  3. I got 206 Sits so i can play even tho im a t-mod right?
  4. I really want to know this because I have gotten different answers from different people.
  5. I never knew that was a gameplay feature XD And the Lockpick is prob my fuckin luck
  6. I don't know if this just happened to me because it was bugged at the time or its my fucken luck. https://plays.tv/video/5a0fbe5825e2a4e416/luck- , https://plays.tv/video/5a0fc8bed9445014ef/wtf
  7. I want this shit to be fixed i ran into the problem to
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