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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ospevon

  1. To make sure the people who didn't know about it still don't know about it.
  2. I will be moving this to staff only. I honestly have no idea what I did. But if it moved good. If not I fucked up
  3. I have some player models I made on my PC when I get the chance I'll send them for you can see my work.
  4. I could do it, would take some time to work it into my schedule, it's a busy week for me.
  5. Ospevon

    CCs super bug

    It doesn't trigger everyone, you act like you know everything, when something doesn't go your way you complain in @ chat and when someone says to stop you them a faggot and proceed complaining. Call * in between "you and them"
  6. Ospevon

    CCs super bug

    Tfw Harley acts like he knows everything and argues with every staff member. This is an exploit, it should be fixed sugar ples fix
  7. uh.. just because he ask people to +rep him dont mean he is a scammer.... and just because they are his friends dont mean he is a scammer.. lets take a look at my comments for instance. https://gyazo.com/3d4342942a8aec27bddbcb516f7dcb2c 14 FUCKING PAGES. do you epect me to not be friends with anyone I recently traded with? ALSO just because he is asking people to comment "Bought x amount of keys off him for paypal he is legit +rep" DOES NOT mean is a scammer, i repeat IT DOES NOT MEAN HE IS A SCAMMER. Yes I know it may seem like it but if you have ever tried to sell keys or buy anyone's inventory with steam wallet code it's hard. super hard, most people look for trusted people with multiple +reps for selling/ buying. I have been scammed before, it sucks ass. but the stuff Aeolus/ KennyS is doing is not scamming. he is simply asking for help. I know many people who have asked their friends to do this for them, and guess what? I do. and they start selling keys legit. there is no reason to throw allegations around with no proof. "oh but i have screenshots" well fuck your screenshots of his comments. "but..but..." stop throwing around allegations. Also, I am dumbfounded why you even brought this to the forums of a GMOD SERVER. p
  8. no only i can be Dylan
  9. ^ if he thinks its a good idea to re-suggest, he can re-suggest it, there is no limit to what people suggest, In all honesty, I wish the boombox could be optimised in some way to make it run better with the sever. While the boombox was a thing I used it to cover up my printer sounds or just chill in my base listening to music.
  10. dats me in the second one
  11. honestly tyrant this is why i fucking love you <3 you admitted to having blackout bases but also you are agreeing they shouldn't be allowed <3
  12. I also think adding back the "Gangster" pistol back to bloods and crips would be a pretty nice idea (i used to love playing as crips and bloods with them pistols)
  13. Make it for when you get handcuffed you lose all your weapons, kinda like when you get with the blufgeon, I am only suggesting this because any weapon with a right click function is still usable while handcuffed.
  14. Sooo what eve made sugar want to be a racoon
  15. ^ agreed, imo I think albino abused. not sure what any one elses opinion is, but i see abuse.
  17. I will carry out all of these punishments once I get home (20 mins) Just not really sure what to do about Albinos as I don't really know why zuthar was brought in the first place, there could've been a legit reason. I dont really see a legit reason in that he brought zuthar then moments later brought piper (whodid 9/11) All albino was doing was tping his friends to him to show them zuthar and try to harras and talk to him. In what we saw there was no legit sit only him bring zuthar and him bring zuthar, zuthar tried to run albino brought him back, zuthar killed himself that was the end of it.. so i dont see any way that was a legit sit..
  18. my honest opinion would be to punish every player that helped him RDM like the players who gave him weapons for free and c4 and what not knowing he was gonna mass rdm, i think those people should be punished (you can see in the video who did and who didnt give stuff) even if it is a minor punihsment So I am saying i thnink these people should be punished for assisting the rdm basically 1. Abyss (gave guns at the beginning, also mass rdms later in the video) 2. Blank (gave him lightsabers to kill with) 3. Albino (for the obvious abuse) 4. Fedora (for supplying him with c4 which he used to mass rdm and blow random stores up) That is all i could find, like I said i think all 4 of these people should be punished, even if it is a minor punishment (speaking that they all fueled the RDM and trolls). Aslo, I know i may sound like I asshole saying that, BUT if they don't get punished it will bring more bad publicity to the server, people will join the server saying "oh im such and such on youtube" these people will target everyone in zuthars video that supplied him, and ask them for stuff (knowing the playerbase it will most likely happen) So if a punishment was to take place it would allow all 4 players i mentioned above think about their decisions and maybe figure out what they did was wrong.
  19. Agreed. I even remember last night fedora talking about how he gave guns and stuff to zuthar
  20. So i came across some more outfit packs and what not.. i think they would be a cool addition to the current outfits... (if anyone can find any others please link them for more outfits!) 1. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=243625660&searchtext=accessory+packs 2. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=572310302&searchtext=accessory+pack
  21. +1 it is also happening to albino
  22. +1 to Frisk's idea, I could finally find a neat way to kill my self when all heck breaks loose at night
  23. I am also famous. I was the anime girl
  24. hm, i dont belive light sabers break down doors anymore... atleast mine dont...
  25. snip Like i said, why is it not allowed for them to base then? they are basically basing in the pd being able to build, like i said they thrash. either or, i think the rule should be updated, or cops should be able to base wherever. I mean.. since bitminers are legal cops are technically allowed to own them, but how will they own them if they can't base? l think cops should be able to base wherever, or not base in pd at all,
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