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Mexican Kyle�


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Mexican Kyle�

  1. The reason why I'm inactive so much is because my parents are divorced so I switch houses ever other week. Hope everything gets better! Thanks
  2. The reason why I'm inactive so much is because my parents are divorced so I switch houses ever other week.
  3. I'm Mexican Kyle I've Been Staff For About 4 Months never introduced myself. But all I do is raid and staff. My time on TitsRP has been fun AF
  4. Tunnel Snake Mexican... UwU Edit: +Rep-ed
  5. Dood I couldn't even exit the console let alone move around
  6. I couldn't type or even quit the game xD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1165086112
  7. Gmod hours: 837 What you can contribute to our gang: Dupes here and there, great base guard Are you liked? Be honest: As far as I know the only people that don't like me are the people I ban. Do you raid?: heck Yeah Do you base?: Sometimes You cool? Gotta be cool: Cool as a cold one --addition information-- The neg rep on my account is because i'm a dumb ass that can't remember when some shit happened, wasn't even trying to lie to staff xD
  8. I had someone do that to me too except it was a CP that prop glitched into my base to destroy my printers (8), processors (2), and bitminers' (4). I asked him how he got into my base he didn't reply because he knew that i saw him so I banned him for propminge. Needless to say I was TRIGGERED! I payed 250,000+ for all that.
  9. I have had to use my admin stick multiple times to remove that prop for people that are building there. It is really only there after restarts and crashes. I am pretty sure this is part of the rp_downtown_v4c_v2 map itself. It was constantly there on a old server I played on. It doesn't show up in single player though.
  10. This makes it hard to prove that someone RDMed' Via fist unless the victim has screenshot there is no other way of finding out who actually killed them unless you check the damage logs, and the damage logs reach 10 pages in a minute or so. Therefore, if the person was killed 2 or 3 min before the sit was taken it will be almost impossible to find who actually killed them.
  11. I'm Dying Over Here Those Replies Though xD
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