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Golden Pup


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Golden Pup

  1. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=3907


    That's the report on you. I even time stamped the video. It was 1:30am for me, server restarts at 8am... that's not soon. 


    I'm not saying you haven't changed, but you've been banned a few times, and your previous demotion is still a bit much. 


    The risk in giving you the power to repeat history is too great imo.


    It was over half a year ago and most of the npc's were deleted before I started deleting them, the server would have been restarted. Theres no way they could have made it 7 hours without the NPC's

    What's the point of doing it in the first place though? It's just like tmods that tried to do purges or whatever. Just because a restart is happening doesn't mean rules don't exist. That was abuse and there was no valid reason of doing it.


    I know. I fucked up, I was just messing around before a restart.


    You literally just said it was 7 hours before restart, and then reply to another comment that it was before a restart....

  2. Redebate what type(s) of warnings staff should consider valid in RP situations. I personally think people should have to advert warn ONLY, that way we have logs of it. The issue with verbal warnings is that we can't prove them, so it turns into a he said-she said issue.


    +1 for this

  3. There was no error on removal items from cc or as a whole. 


    Anybody who received the exploit money and was used for the cc got punished. 


    Shopping for something you don't have is a no.


    My stuff was removed for Meemstar giving me 40 mil for a perm slot over 2 weeks ago. He also removed stuff i donated real money to get.

    The only money I got from the exploit was 20 mil from them buying my perms, which I told sugar about.

  4. Can we add the topic "Staff creating events i.e. purges, minigames, etc" I've noticed multiple staff members doing this and it needs to be talked about. They build something in admin land and then just bring people to participate in the event, this even has a current report on the topic. It should be added into guidelines because people lack common sense and think "It doesn't say no to do it in the guidelines, so why can't I?"

  5. There are also times when people rage over their sit not being taken when its something like "RDM adhfasdhfgashjkfasdjklfhadsjklhjkl" and then there are requests with actual details. Or times I'm gonna ignore a single RDM for something more important.

  6. Make it where if a cop is trying to cuff someone while getting shot at that the cuff meter gets lowered every time they get shot. A cop with full armor, let alone a jugg can just chase you with cuffs and cuff you while you shoot them before you kill them and its the most annoying thing in the world. Also can lead to cases where a person gets cuffed, pays their fine, then kills the cop and that's somehow considered RDM?


    its rdm because its failrp to comply and then not comply


    You have no choice to comply when you're cuffed, you aren't breaking free because it takes an actual minute to break free. Cuffs need some type of nerf


    you said if someone pays their fine, which is compliance because they don't have to. if they break out of the cuffs thats different


    I think you're reading but not comprehending...... It takes a legitimate minute to break out of cuffs, It's too easy for a cop to cuff someone and nearly impossible to break out of unless the cop is dragging you for a good minute. You only play cop so all i expect from you is to defend anything the cop has that's imbalanced.

    Swap the non-lethal pistol to this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=578333531&searchtext=taser This way it doesn't have infinite range and lasts 30 seconds when someone misfires and hits you....

  7. Make it where if a cop is trying to cuff someone while getting shot at that the cuff meter gets lowered every time they get shot. A cop with full armor, let alone a jugg can just chase you with cuffs and cuff you while you shoot them before you kill them and its the most annoying thing in the world. Also can lead to cases where a person gets cuffed, pays their fine, then kills the cop and that's somehow considered RDM?


    its rdm because its failrp to comply and then not comply


    You have no choice to comply when you're cuffed, you aren't breaking free because it takes an actual minute to break free. Cuffs need some type of nerf

  8. Recently a lot of mayors have been making laws like "Master Sword out can lead to a $10k fine" or "Jaywalking can lead to a $5k fine." Should this be not allowed? There are set fine amounts in the MOTD and you could make random stuff $20k fines with laws if this is a continued thing.

  9. Make it where if a cop is trying to cuff someone while getting shot at that the cuff meter gets lowered every time they get shot. A cop with full armor, let alone a jugg can just chase you with cuffs and cuff you while you shoot them before you kill them and its the most annoying thing in the world. Also can lead to cases where a person gets cuffed, pays their fine, then kills the cop and that's somehow considered RDM?

  10. It's always happened since I started playing. It makes sense for it to do this for me. If you're gonna keep some kind of plant on you for a long period (such as keeping it in an inventory) it would eventually wither and rot.

  11. Can we add a rule when it comes to basing that's along the lines of "Whoever owns the most exterior doors owns the base, if two people own the same amount of exterior doors then it will be whoever owns the most doors in the base that owns the base." This will get people to start actually buying the front doors. I've had sits where a person wants to own a base and buys the front doors because either A. The person forgot to buy them that's basing there or B. The person doesn't buy the front doors so it looks like an empty base and he can put his stuff there. Also have seen people buy the front doors and another person rushes inside and buys a ton of the interior doors and then owns a majority of the base....

  12. Okay I have 3 suggestions all pertaining to kidnapping .


    1. Take away the option of putting a bludgeon on a CC, it's unnecessary and just leads to mass kidnapping.


    2. Bring back the 2 minute cool down on the bludgeon and make it against the rules to mass kidnap.


    3. Make a rule where kidnap must be made in buildings and not in the parking lots where EVERY person kidnapping takes their victims. (Leading to mass kidnapping)


    EDIT: All the kidnapping that's been happening recently because of all of this just leads to people getting salty they get kidnapped a lot and they end up RDMing any kidnapper they see.


    exactly. HUGE +1

    Give the alien's ability to turn into a prop a timer and a cooldown. people only seem to use it to minge by picking large props and turning into them in doorways. they can't be killed, destroyed, or moved (because they are partially in the doorframe) while doing this and Staff can't really do anything because it's not actually a prop


    or even just a rule where they can be kicked for abusing it


    They can be kicked? It's abusing a swep, also using it to slide into bases or glitch through props is exploiting and can lead to a 7 day ban.

  13. Okay I have 3 suggestions all pertaining to kidnapping .


    1. Take away the option of putting a bludgeon on a CC, it's unnecessary and just leads to mass kidnapping.


    2. Bring back the 2 minute cool down on the bludgeon and make it against the rules to mass kidnap.


    3. Make a rule where kidnap must be made in buildings and not in the parking lots where EVERY person kidnapping takes their victims. (Leading to mass kidnapping)


    EDIT: All the kidnapping that's been happening recently because of all of this just leads to people getting salty they get kidnapped a lot and they end up RDMing any kidnapper they see.

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