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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by DasCJ

  1. So just for everyone to know. This https://gyazo.com/35ea18d66441f398477540b3780d5592 https://gyazo.com/1ef8e1ac13aec6f9009f4cfdaf70c41c is a sky base, according to Jason Bourne. I talked to Mosing bear about this and he said that Jason Bourne said this is a skybase and that it was fine. So if anyone ever wants to sky base as preacher you can have it that low. Have fun ya'll.
  2. I got a new job suggestion. Ok so I came up with an idea of a checkpoint manager. Under the cops tab in the motd it says that cops can make checkpoint. How about we just make job where his main stick is that he can make checkpoints. basically he's loadout would consist of normal cop stuff but for with weapon he could get a shotgun and/or a smg. If the person that's playing as the checkpoint manager gonna make a checkpoint then there's no reason for him to not have a closerange weapon. So yeah, a new job that makes a checkpoint and manages it. I think it's time to really refine the checkpoint rule since i'm literally the only person making a checkpoint. :kappa:
  3. DasCJ

    Visual Glitch

    BUG Description: It's just a really bad visual glitch. How to reproduce: I don't know, It's really random. Priority: High (It has happend to more than like three people.) Evidence: https://gyazo.com/08d31110936fccd9d477da4dd1ad0e0d https://gyazo.com/4bfe0819ebea8917e3c3e93cbae6e682 https://gyazo.com/a39d9666e5ceacc3e5c5addb8a729270 https://gyazo.com/b99fb48e2120c69f7bb44982ebe51cde https://gyazo.com/dd917957a8ba7ae171dfbcd76b1a5786 https://gyazo.com/15e2e4aef0bc914420a1987bcd2bf3bc https://gyazo.com/e1cf629a620b62eb08f0d265040a4adf https://gyazo.com/57d5718894a0fc11465847d6253bddfa https://gyazo.com/7a9cb224378562d02af33e611eccfa77 https://gyazo.com/9d2dab60486d3eafbdc72ed2f5db546c
  4. DasCJ

    I'm Confused

    You can ask Wavy or Booper Scooper. The Prop in spawn was removed before I was on that night. I build in those areas but i never spawned printers or anything that could benefit me. I just made sit areas that looked nice. Also I feel like if I get demoted I get alerted so I can say my side. I got demoted because I didn't say my side. I still want to be staff but I just want people to know.
  5. DasCJ

    I'm Confused

    I had over 200+ sits
  6. DasCJ

    I'm Confused

    2-3 weeks my dude.
  7. DasCJ

    I'm Confused

    So I've been tmod for like 3-2 weeks now and i've really only taken sits. I don't know why but when I got on the server at like 3:30am I wasn't staff. I checked to see if anyone reported me and i didn't find anything. If anyone wanna help me out just reply to this thread. pls. My in-game name is CeeJay btw.
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