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wD. Homer Simpson (PD)


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by wD. Homer Simpson (PD)

  1. Idk you but uh I hope you have a better experience and not get harassed this time about you lying or not lying about suicide. Also hope you feel better with your suicidal thoughts/depression or whatever is going on in your head/life. Have a good time sir!


    Thanks man, i've gotten a lot better tbh

  2. So I think it's time to set the record straight.


    My "suicide" was a legitimate attempt that put me in the hospital but no I never did die I lied about it to try to get a fresh start on the server but it just got more confusing. I stopped playing again because of the backlash and cancer given my way but I'm back now. Feel free to ask questions in PMs, ingame or on discord.


    There has been, and only will ever be, one true Homer Simpson.

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  3. Description: Master Chief isn't fireable after siding with the CP


    How to reproduce: Become mayor and have someone else become master chief and side with CP. Mayor can not fire Master Cheif


    Priority: Medium


    Side note: got reported for killing a master chief. I couldn't fire him so my impression was a Master Chief wasn't truly a cop. This just proves how this could lead to further issues

  4. yeh ik i just hope that hei'l add the steam ids


    you have to do that personally in game. When they're online and so are you, you go into the CC Editor and click add friends and add them. You the have to click into another section in the cc editor and click save changes. Hope this helped :)



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