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nigerian child


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by nigerian child

  1. Bug Description: When you press unbox multiple times and u have more than 1 key it will take as much keys as it will in those 1-3 seconds before it rolls. How to reproduce: Pressing unbox button (both of em) multiple times before it rolls. Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Low-Medium https://gyazo.com/3d4fd7d9f07deb84d5b63eb68a6c7040 https://gyazo.com/805cc49de6d7d3b08593dda8a3df790b
  2. Make Police battering ram so it ghosts the prop instead of unwelding it, please
  3. massive +1 cause of the damage it does to bases
  4. Making C4 replace the props after a few minutes is fine. If raiding is your incentive to play DarkRP, go play Basewars or any other DarkRP server that have no roleplay on it (ones that just have a clusterfuck of workshop addons + scriptfodder addons usually are just basewars). Not bashing your play style but in reality, this server may not work for you. Raiding is just a small part of this server and RP is a lot more fun when you're interacting with people (which is why a lot of tools to farm money are limited), but that's just my opinion. If you're getting outnumbered then find some friends on the server and team up, two heads are better than one! Finally, I am not money hungry. We have 1 rank of VIP which can be purchased in game or via a 1 time purchase using $5. Anything and everything else can be purchased using ingame cash too. I try not to pay for this server out of pocket which is why donation options are available. Yes, sorry about that. I know youre not money hungry or anything, I just said I like basing, I also rp very often as a police man or any other fun jobs, just want to point that out, but I'm glad that you agree with the c4 replacing props thing
  5. People telling me that I cant stand raiding, its what I play this game for, I build bases for fun. The thing I'm getting triggered is - c4s and how they blow shit up. I just want c4 to get fixed, for it replace the props after few minutes.
  6. I already said that there is no way for me to make money cause I keep getting targeted by this TheKraken27
  7. 1. Only built the last time cause you already placed a c4 and you ran out of the building so I started placing props so my base doesnt get fucked. 2. fuck you 3. I've been a builder in gmod since 2011/2012, I never raid, and if I'm not building I'm doing police enforcement stuff. I'm known to a lot of servers for being one of the best builders for making bases with the usual base rules, no FDA (5 second rule, 0.5x2 shooting windows etc.) 4. You literally teleport/grapling hook in, place it and get out, fuck am I supposed to watch the entrance 24/7 5. read 3 6. Yes you did, You already raided me 2 times, the 3rd time you knew I had nothing you still came in the main entrance that took me 1hr 15 mins to build just to blow it and get out of the place, I was in the second room semi-afking lol. 7. Cause youre using overpowered tools that gain you unfair roleplay advantage. 8. Already exlpained, if you would of read what I wrote. Im toxic cause you keep targeting me and blowing my shit up. 9. Once a fucking c4 is placed you cant do nothing, blowtorch takes few seconds to remove the prop and with your shotgun, it 3 shots people aginst a normal rifle. Sorry for double post but want to point out that ADV Dupe 2 is vip only? There are ways to prevent it, you could make it Trusted rank only (people with 15+ hrs) Or the owner just cares about the money, I dont know. What more can I do if someone just grapling hooks/teleports in my place and places a quick c4 on any of my props lol. Its obvious that he is doing that to annoy me and keep the beef on going since I'm one of the few that actually spends time building bases. And how am I supposed to get those 5 mil when everytime I make a base I get raided by him. Smh and if youre the Developer I respect the work you've put in the server. Love it (except the c4 part)
  8. Yes but the fact that you can get in a base (windows) without going through the main entrance is OVER-POWERED AS FUCK and shouldnt be a thing, if its a thing then it atleast should be louder and more time to destroy the prop not like its now, quiet and takes few seconds to go through a prop. Thats why it ruins the basing factory. THERE IS NO POINT OF MAKING BASES when there is such a tool. That's why the blowtorch costs about 500k. So? You rdm him, he bitches to admin and most likely will get you harsh punishment and he said he paid 120m for the teleportion stuff and other items so money isnt a problem for people like him
  9. Yes but the fact that you can get in a base (windows) without going through the main entrance is OVER-POWERED AS FUCK and shouldnt be a thing, if its a thing then it atleast should be louder and more time to destroy the prop not like its now, quiet and takes few seconds to go through a prop. Thats why it ruins the basing factory. THERE IS NO POINT OF MAKING BASES when there is such a tool.
  10. hecko, my name is I throw rocks at **** kids ingame. My regular steam name is Aersen and I want to talk about current DarkRP state. So little bit history to understand what I'm talking about. I used to play a lot of DarkRP back in the good days of DarkRP, I mean like 2011/2-2013, most servers were fine, real darkrp, good economy and good community, and ever since 3 most popular servers at the time closed off at the time made me quit gmod cause servers moved to PayToWin with shit kiddie type communities. After huge breaks and hopping servers I finally found this server, a server with decent economy, decent darkrp and decent community until now. Lately I've been having troubles with this player named Cudly Kraken. Who payed (ingame/irl money) for his game breaking pathetic tools. I mean tools that break this gamemode, that makes this server almost have no bases cause there is no point. This c4 just blows up bases that I spend up to 2 or 3 hours in few seconds or a blowtorch that fucking cuts through props in a base making all bases, whatever its security, nothing. Might aswell base in a dirt house. This player in specific has been griefing my bases all day long (2/11/2017), raiding me only to fuck and mess with me. His excuse is - oh youre all toxic and disrespectful towards me. But im toxic and disrespectfull cause you fuck up my bases in the first place. And bitching to his admin/mod friends that im all disrespectfull aginst him. I have good relationships with most of the players. So I asked around what people think about (from and people that arent from the server) Most people said that the shit overpowered and makes them not to base with their friends cause of shitlike that, asked some ex-devs of other servers and they said that the idea of c4s and blowtorch are fine if the props go back to their place not to be used to ggrief bases. tl;dr After years of darkrp this is the first time I see something this cancerous that can be used to completely ruin darkrp and its factors. C4s and Blowtorch are good idea as long as they put props back to their place and not to be used to grief bases and C4 shouldnt be allowed for criminals since it can be abused, only for Special OPs (police enforcement) I personally think that this feature was added cause a kiddos payed the owner to add tools that can be used to gain them huge advantage. These tools break DarkRP and makes people not to base which ruins the basing factor of darkrp, which is a major part of this gamemode, I personally hate OP bases but I havent seen none in this server, which makes me love this server, but now I understand why. I talked to many people, including few gmod darkrp ex-devs, most said that the idea of C4 is smart but when I said that the outcome is a completely fucked base without any way of getting it back to place except rebuilding it they said fuck no ALL OF THEM asked if the owner is greedy money whore, I said that I dont know (for clearance). Outcome of C4 abuse (for griefing purpouse, only 2 bases past 12 hours) http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/85968893741839471/D388D7424D2D9EA698F1E5BB48C6E485071F2F4E/ (~35-45 minutes to build) http://i.imgur.com/wkVS80d.jpg (1 hr 15 minutes 100% to build due to detailing (colors and secrets) under the 1st level on the entrance, aswell he blew that c4 after the raid, he already raided me 2 times before that screenshot, he already took/destroyed everything I had in 1st time so the c4 was used to grief my place) I dont care about being salty/toxic towards people that deserve it and the fact that his kid Cudly Kraken used it to get me banned and before that griefed my bases to make me hate him is pathetic, I dont care if your mod friends start defending you, I can get people to register to this forum from the server and agree with me if needed. Fuck you Kraken. p.s props to Owner/Dev for making good economy and getting the rp state normal compared to EU servers.
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