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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by DingoNutt

  1. DingoNutt


    Mind = Blown. Also, come back soon Steve!
  2. 100% Agreed. +1 Now if I could figure out how to stop only getting Santa...
  3. TrumpbombedSovia. Trumpisgod followtrumpstwitter TAKE YOUR PIIIC!
  4. thanks for the warm welcome bb
  5. I haven't been on much lately because I have been feeling very sick and have been in a rut lately. I have been feeling sick all day, so I haven't tried to do many things on the computer. When I do, I play Overwatch or something simple like that because its easy to play for me. But yeah, I am still some sick so I still may not be on as much, but I'll still try -Tingle
  6. you a cuck but your our cuck love you senpai <3
  7. He did it twice, and it was upsetting because of how many people have been RDMed, yet nobody can do it.
  8. Yes. But I would also like to have confirmation about the fact he promoted him back to mayor twice. I have never seen anyone else do that and Quarel told me that he thinks you are not allowed.
  9. I decided to leave you unnamed to keep the disrespect to a minimum and to protect your identity.
  10. So what happened here is that a mayor was killed by a "accidental" RDM, which I assume would just be a warn. Another Tmod reported it and a moderator said that he is allowed to set him back as mayor. I was in the election before he was set up there, and then I won it. Basically, me and the other mayor were talking about double rulings, which would be fun for both of us. Te problem is, the mayor's assassin was not demoted last time he died and ran at me and killed me. Now, it said that I had a grace period, so he should have known not to kill me IN GRACE. Grace period is a time for the mayor to get prepared, yet I was killed right away. This brings up a whole bunch of questions: Why wasn't he demoted, could there be 2 mayors since both of them were elected legit, Would the other mod have the right to demote me back to civilian, Did he have the right to re-promote the other dude back to mayor instead of warning the dude? The main one though was about the mayor assassin killing me as soon as I was elected. I naturally warned him, since he killed me in grace period. I would like to hear about this, and possible get a fix to the bug of the mayors assassin NOT being demoted when the mayor. I just checked logs again, and it turns out he became mayors assassin AFTER the mayor died. (https://gyazo.com/f4519ea5bd6a27fc1f598c89dbfa3307. Dudes name is Birdgull) He became the assassin after the initial mayor was killed. Then the original mayor was killed again, and the same mod re-premoted him.. Again. I don't think its fair to all the mayors who have been RDMed for this dude to get put back up TWICE. But, the main thing here I want is Confirmation. If he allowed to set the mayor back TWICE after he was RDMED? Hes the only staff I have ever seen do it. Is the fact that the assassin was set BEFORE the new mayor was set and AFTER he died, is it a bug? (https://gyazo.com/f4519ea5bd6a27fc1f598c89dbfa3307 No new mayor selected) I would like some confirmation of these, and a potential fix if these are real problems.
  11. Hey its me, Tingle. But from this day foreward, I will be the third of the Race brothers. RaceQpone. I just wanted to inform you all too not cause confusion. Race Army Represent!
  12. I hope that too! Thanks for the warm welcome.
  13. Walter I talked to steve about it and I should be good. Thanks for calling me on it though, gave me time to think.
  14. Oh ok, is he on? Also, should I direct message him?
  15. The work has been finished, and I will be returning to the server. I will make a staff app after I play for another 5-10 hours, just so I can re-adjust myself and see if I have made any new progress in decision making, but it is good to be back!
  16. Good news! I have finished about 60% of the project, and should have more time to play on the server now! I would say I should be done about March 1-5th, from the work be and my friends have been doing. Expect me to come back full force when I do.
  17. I will be resigning as of today, knowing that I will not be able to get on for 2 or so weeks. Something has come up in my life that I have to give my attention too, and that something will cut my computer time immensely. I will not be able to get on for 2-4 weeks, depending on how long my project will take me. It has only been a few days of me getting on as tmod, and I have learned some things in those 2 days. I have learned things I will remember. This something that has come will take me awhile, I assume 2-4 weeks, and by that time, I hope I will be done with the project and ready to play more again. Knowing that I won't be able to get on a lot, I will resign until I get my time back. I hope I will be allowed to reapply some time in the future, whether it be after I get my time back, or some time after that. I hope I will be able to better myself in that time, and become stronger as a person. I also have another motive, to better myself. In sits, I have been noticing I have not been doing all I can efficiently enough. I want to study the motd again in my free time, and better myself. I am a idiot, and I make mistakes. I made a crucial mistake and payed for it dearly, and I am glad I did. If I did not change, I would ruin this community. I want to stay doing all the things I did wrong (or at least some) and start doing right. I am glad that it was pointed out, and made me realize my mistakes. I have promised myself I will better myself, and I have not done it well enough yet. But you know what they say, you live and you learn. Hopefully by the time I come back, I will have bettered myself. In conclusion, from this day until somewhere in March, I will be resigning as tmod and back a normal player. Thank you for your time.
  18. At most a month. But I will try to be active on the forums, just not a lot of the server. I will try to go on it on my spare PC though, it just will be harder to speak and harder to play where my other pic is at, but it should not be impossible. So now that I think about it, I should be able to come on a lot more than I thought I would.
  19. I will probably remove this when I get my laptop back, but I won't be on for a little while most likely. I will try to hop on on my other PC, but I won't be sure if I can much. I am going to go get my laptop fixed so I won't be around much. My laptop has a few broken keys, so I must fix them. I will be off, peace out everyone. But I will make my return, mark my words!
  20. I second this. I was one of the first victims of this mayors abusing. He demoted me for "disrespect" and then killed me. Then he just let the rdm continue while he hid out in a room for about 15 minutes.
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