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Not Steve


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Not Steve

  1. I love the HUD we got now but some SMALL changes I wouldnt mind, I dont like the advanced HUDs that have too much information on them. The HUD you provided does not look good to me imo and the simple HUD works really well and is effective

  2. This is why I suggest new players to not base, I had a lot of money racked up by the time I based for my first time. Some good ways to make money is being a cop, raiding others, and even being a micspamming hobo can get you some decent money in donations, you would be surprised.


    As far as C4 and makeshift time bombs go, I think they're fine and they are basically a must-have for raiding regular players most of the time.

  3. It is okay in the end. I was the one to make that report a long time ago and I agree it was very petty, but it was also for the bigger cause and to see you own up to know you did that after so long ago. I do wish things could have gone differently and not in the way that it did, but an explanation at the time for things that were going on in your life could've really helped things out. In the end you are always welcome to come back into the server and play, and I owe you an apology for reporting you over what honestly seemed like an accident to begin with. I hope things are going better for you now.

  4. I don't know Equinox, but He did handle a couple sits for me, and was good! 




    If his (possible) mistakes can't be forgiven to return him to staff, I would hope his dedication to the server can be credited to return him soon.


    I Can appreciate the high standards, but let's weigh the costs too...

    I.M.O.: Throwing away GOOD staff, who made a mistake isn't going to benefit the server.


    He made a mistake but the thing is he KNEW what he was doing was bad, he might have handled sits well but if we followed the "Throwing away GOOD staff, who made a mistake isn't going to benefit the server." there would be abusive staff still around and we have 0 tolerence for that. He is welcome to apply again in the future, we just cannot have someone who blatantly abused their powers be on our team and not have any consequences.

  5. Honestly I am neutral with this suggestion, it just can lead to many scenarios, like a new player believing someone is a staff member because of them commenting and what not. Another thing is its a staff members job to be helping in reports and ban appeals, if you want to comment on ban appeals and reports that you aint involved in then apply for staff

  6. This is all true. Apply again! I know a lot of you could be great staff members, don't let a poor application stop you from applying again with another application. We would love to see more applications. Don't let yourself being denied discourage you from ever applying again!

  7. Im pretty sure they have always been like that, and honestly im okay with them being like that, just maybe make them cost more or something so theyre not essentially everywhere

  8. hecko everyone! Some may remember me, others may not, but I played this server quite a bit in 2017 and I was a moderator during this time and I would like to say I will be reapplying again as I start to play more. I have not been playing due to life, and just knowing I wont be able to dedicate much time into this server. I plan to play a lot more now and I hope to get to know all of you who I have not met yet!



    -Steve Harvey

  9. Even though I have left, I'll always welcome back a person like you. Welcome back Steve. Going to miss you, though.


    Why did you leave? You are an awesome person, gonna miss you


    I left due to IRL things. Personal/questionable things.


    If I were to come back, I'd expect it to be in late 2018/early 2019

    Wow Ill miss you

    Welcome back Mr. Seth Rogen!



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