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Jedi Frost


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Jedi Frost

  1. I genuinely don't think Sugar would like to see one of his current moderators acting in this way. Not to mention abusing ulx commands? Even if they are friends, doesn't give you a free pass to tpjail each other like that.. they were t-mods for a reason, not to have a day at the fair
  2. Lol what the fuck. I think i developed stage 4 ass cancer from watching this.. On a serious note I agree with Cullen. maybe even discussion for demotion because this is ridiculous
  3. Remove needing to have a Mayor in order to warrant someone. There is not always someone playing Mayor and it makes it annoying to be a cop when you can't do half your job. Maybe just make it so they only need to be accepted by the Mayor WHEN there is one. Or if there is no mayor, make it so the Civil Protection Lead or Judge Gabe has to accept warrants. Something along these lines would be twice as better..
  4. Well plus its very annoying cause it blocks your field of view by probably 90% and it engulfs like half the map.
  5. You should have posted this in the [Official] Suggestions for the server thread, but oh well. I like the idea of an EMT.
  6. Bug Description: PD Panel in the lobby remains locked even after Mayor is killed. How to reproduce: Become mayor, lock PD panel, die, check PD panel Priority: Low
  7. Printer silencers? Also, either make the pickpocket instant with a 120 second cd or lower the time it takes to pickpocket someone? Cause right now the only way you are able to pickpocket someone is if they are afk lol.
  8. Or maybe once players reach a certain amount of hours they earn the respected rank? Like 200 hours or something
  9. From a personal standpoint, I know i'll hardly ever be on the server late at night because I have to wake up so early for work. So I agree with this suggestion. +1 for lowering votekick/ban to 50% to pass.
  10. Wow didn't know that you hated me lol. Thanks fam
  11. Seems like a really big grey area/technicality.. I mean i guess its technically 3 fading doors but in reality you are still having to keypad crack/lockpick 4 times to enter/exit the base. Which in my book equals 4 fading doors. And if I interpreted what Sugar said correctly he would agree
  12. Yeah and for some reason the Mayor's assassin doesn't switch back to citizen after killing the mayor like before. So the same person can stay as the assassin and keep killing whoever is elected mayor
  13. [AFK TIMER] Set up some sort of timer for players that are AFK and have it begin when they have not moved in-game for more than 60 seconds. Perhaps even have a display of "You are now AFK" with the countdown beginning as described below: If, after a prescribed amount of time ( I would suggest 10-15 minutes), the player is still AFK, allow players who have VIP rank or above to be able to join the server when it's full and take the spot (kick) of a player who has met or exceeded the AFK Timer. I realize this is a low priority issue but it's something that's not uncommon in other game's such as Counter Strike, and it would just add more incentive to players purchasing VIP.
  14. Just for clarification, this is in regards to JackFrost and not me right? cause i was made t-mod just today lol
  15. Fuck. lmao i just realized how shitty those are actually its not normally like that tbh
  16. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/98349353828667071/24A41084145FCE886A4B722DFBAE0DC4AC3212D5/ Playing as assassin, alt + E Moist's slut wagon, press control, get this lovely face. gg
  17. Bump? A little experimentation and even some chat with the author of the precision tool has led to me to the conclusion that this is a server-side issue..
  18. I have both of those options checked. I dont ever mess with the settings on it anyways besides the push/pull amount. Plus i know im not the only one with this problem but for me it started yesterday along with the flashlight bug
  19. Bug Description: Props will not rotate after welding them to desired location. How to reproduce: Spawn prop, pull out precision tool and click on prop, click to another location, try moving mouse to rotate, does not rotate. Priority: low
  20. I am having the same problem still today, it started yesterday
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