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Canadian Array


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Canadian Array

  1. Everyone in Apex are the type of dudes to wait an hour before swimming after they eat because they are afraid of cramps
  2. So we've recently had a decent amount of denied moderator applications and I personally have noticed that not many people are re-applying after being denied. On one of the recent applications Rubik posted a closing message that is applicable to most apps. "I just want to clarify some things so you are not totally discouraged from ever applying again. We had a discussion about your app in staff channels (including upper staff) and we just want you to know you are NOT banned from applying for staff so don’t give up if you’re really passionate about this. Also, next time don’t include so much of your past that’s not relevant to the application. Most of us know what happened already. You’ve grown up a lot and I have faith you’ll make it one of these days. -rubik" I just wan't anyone who has applied or anyone who is thinking of applying that even if your first moderator application is denied you are absolutely not banned from creating another after the 2 week cool down. The staff team does talk about the apps in staff chat and usually leaves good feedback on how to improve. There are tons of apps that I've seen get denied that could easily be turned into stellar mod applications by improving on the areas that staff members provided feedback for. Myself and other staff members may leave negative feed back but I can assure you that we want to see you coming back and applying again, proving us wrong the second time around and really proving that you can learn from your critiques. So keep on re-apply because there is so many of you guys on here with a lot of potential. I got much love for all you aspiring staff.
  3. I feel like a few empty lots that are near the pd or other busy areas would be dope because then you can build in them. I think there are a few place you can already build that aren’t on the side walk but only 2 come to mind.
  4. Yooooo This would actually be dope, you could have players driving around in their whips and also have people setting up mechanic shops. That actually sounds like a really dope RP situation to me. I would like to see some more ways that you can spend your money to interact with other people. Even if it is just buying an expensive car to flex.
  5. The only recipe I know is Rannar herbs and snape grass :cool:
  6. Aye we only chatted a hand full of times but I got some laughs. You a homie. +respected.
  7. Dude I’m fucking dying. When you stun sticked him at the door I lost it. This shit is way too good
  8. I get where you’re coming from but we don’t have problems with staff all that much and when there is a problem usually it’s the inexperienced staff making a good faith mistake. There are some issues that do come up but we already have a good team of senior moderators and admins that deal with this sort of thing case to case.
  9. This is actually a really good point. I think it would be good to introduce but we'd have to include a rule about no fake key pads. Actually you can just have the kidnap cages with just 1 keypad on the outside so I guess there isn't really that urgent.
  10. Man is at spawn demanding $100 upfront, respect for going to the source of the spring.
  11. Lmfao the song actually kinda made this great.
  12. Bro this shit was nutty as heck when it was happening it was mad hype.
  13. Erm, Didnt you get demoted? Also i've seen you break the rules a ton ingame. Didnt you also make a goodbye thread? boi get gone.
  14. Lmfao ya ya I put cheese yall get the point.
  15. LMFAO. I like how he just walks up and drops it down.
  16. Bug Description: When 2 players start a match in chess or checkers with or without wagers sometimes the clock jumps to 0 and from what it seems the player on the white side loses before they can even move a piece. In the first image you can see the match begins and ends because of the timer before anyone can say something in chat between the time the match started and ended. This second image is 2 players who we're wagering money who said that the timer jumped to 0 right as they started playing. How to reproduce: I've seen it happen to a few different people and all I can say is that it randomly happens. No idea how to consistently reproduce. Priority: Medium. (It's caused a few players to lose money because they lose their wager before even getting to move) EDITED THE CHEESE PART CAUSE I WAS BEING MADE FUN OF ON THE FORUMS AND INGAME.
  17. So I had a base that Geanie deemed unraidable and wouldnt let me have without warning me for fading door abuse. Here's a rough idea of what the base looked like. https://gyazo.com/87037c92d282f4ba005ffea4d500fc07 Button A opens Door A & Keypad B opens Door B. So the actual door that me and my friends used to get in was door B that was controlled by keypad B outside, but we made it look like door A was the correct door to enter the base. So while people were lock picking door A, I would hit button A and kill them which also stop them from lock picking as the door opened. Granted, This was my window I used for killing people outside, it wasnt my actual entrace. The base was still raidable, I was actually raided a few times inspite of this, but one user reported it as fading door abuse and geanie deemed it unraidable, I got warnred for which seems like a stupid reason as it was my kill window, anyone could have figured it out by watching me go in and out of the base. And the people who keypad cracked it got in no problem. Geanie said that was base was "unraidable" and told me to remove it after he gave me a system warning he told me unraidable bases were illegal. He said it wasnt in the motd it was just common "sense" Which to me sounds like him just making up rules on the spot. tons of people have much harder to raid bases.
  18. Thanks, I generally wouldnt make a big deal out of it but I havent been warned before because I like to follow the rules and have fun, I just found it odd how I've been killed for this reason and told it's not RDM which is fine, because I understand the rules better now. I just think he was being unfair as I asked for him to get another mod (I actually asked for wanternearby by name) and he refused to get me a moderator. I only asked because he's a T-mod. thanks to both of you! I gotta get that 0 warning clean record back. IMPORTANT UPDATE* So I checked who actually warned me and I should have mentioned this before hand, but flufflyseal actually warned me but him and geanie were both in the sit with me and they both refused to let a full moderator step in.
  19. So I was playing and I wanted to go downtown near the pd to buy a gun but this hazmat guy had blocked the part of the road off to make a "checkpoint" At the time I didnt know there was another way around and I was in a bit of a rush so I was trying to take the fastest route. I (Verbally) warned the hazmat guy 3 times giving him roughly 20 seconds to move. But he still wouldnt let me through so finally I decide to shoot him and kill him. He reports me for rdm and geanie takes the sit, I explain what happen and they said because there was another way around and I didnt have to kill him it was rdm. Which seems totally unfair because I followed the rules, providing 3 verbal warnings and plenty of time to move before I took action. Geanie warned me for rdm which seems false because I killed him after warning him. I was curious if this was indeed a false warn I hope an admin or sugartitties could shed some light on the situation.
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