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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by BluDad

  1. When ever you disguise as a prop then turn back into a human it lowers your health all the way. And this can be frustrating because of the Ebola feature in the server. When ever I am trying to be sneaky I always end of dying of Ebola because my health just drains and it completely blows my cover. If you could fix this bug that would be awesome. Thanks.

    When ever you disguise as a prop then turn back into a human it lowers your health all the way. And this can be frustrating because of the Ebola feature in the server. When ever I am trying to be sneaky I always end up dying of Ebola because my health just drains and it completely blows my cover. If you could fix this bug that would be awesome. Thanks.

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