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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BluDad

  1. I have a busy schedule today so I don't plan on getting online until a little later tonight
  2. I think it would be really cool if sugar added in raining and other kinds of weather to the server.
  3. Am I able to edit my custom class that I bought with real money?
  4. BluDad

    Alien race bug

    Does sugar tits plan to fix this?
  5. BluDad

    Alien race bug

    When ever you disguise as a prop then turn back into a human it lowers your health all the way. And this can be frustrating because of the Ebola feature in the server. When ever I am trying to be sneaky I always end of dying of Ebola because my health just drains and it completely blows my cover. If you could fix this bug that would be awesome. Thanks.
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