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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by dink

  1. In my opinion, the problem lies within the system of CC's itself.


    I think the problem with making custom guns/sweps better than just reskins would be the fact that CC's will always spawn with the custom gun/swep and never lose it after they buy it.  Always spawning with a custom swep that's really strong would make CC's extremely overpowered compared to the normal jobs. The power difference between rich players and noobs/average players would be far too big. That's the reason for everything being reskins.


  2. I don't think the problem is that there's guns that are too strong, I think the problem is that there's too many guns that are too weak/nonviable or they just have garbage scopes. Just make some of the nonviable guns stronger and the problem will be solved.


    Also, in my opinion, double pumping isn't overpowered at all, but the way to nerf it would be to make it so you have to wait a tiny bit before shooting when pulling out a shotgun.


  3. I've never had an issue getting through doors as max pig, but I do find myself getting stuck on random people and random walls/fences the bigger I get as the pig. Sometimes it just makes no sense how I get stuck, and it ends up in me having to suicide and lose my size because !unstuck doesn't work.


    Anyways, I agree there needs to be a fix for the pig model getting stuck on things. Although it's definitely not urgent

  4. 11 minutes ago, Mori said:

    Im pretty sure tokens are suppose to be in tier 3's but I never see them. Also there is a good amount of junk that just shouldn't be in these high tier crates. (Baby grenades,Armor guns,Heal guns ect). I think t3's should be buffed to make it worth your time grinding for the leaderboard. 

    Glad to see someones on the same page as me

  5. Tier 3 lootboxes. In my opinion, the loot in them SUCKS right now. Every time I decide to open one, I get bullshit. So I just permanently sell them now. I think there should be a very high chance to get ATLEAST 2 million worth of items out of one. The reason I say that is because im able to sell them for 2 million each. Anyone else agree?

    also where the heck did proc tokens go? were they removed from the loot pool? if proc tokens were added into tier 3 crates, it would be soooo much better! 


    I don't even know why they go for 2 million if the loot pool is so bad, am I missing something here? 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Slick said:

    That's not how it works. It manipulates who gets the most votes.

    Oh.. wow I didn't know. If that's the case then this post is irrelevant and im an idiot. Although i'm not sure how i was suppose to know that it worked like that.

    ill try and delete this post


    if a mod could get rid of this that'd be great, sry.

    and thanks Slick

  7. Category:





    The "Rig the election" hack seems to do absolutely nothing. I've tried using it many many times and it doesn't ever rig an election. I'm assuming that you are suppose to hack the NPC, then you are able to rig it for whoever you vote for, or maybe it would even go to a random person that is running in the election. But none of that has ever happened. It would be great to have this feature fixed as it can be very useful.

    How to reproduce:

    Use the hacker tool on the election NPC



  8. It would be great to have a leaderboard for the pig class such as plants eaten or people killed while max pig. 

    Also, the RSB at fountain should receive a rework. Correct me if i'm wrong, but it seems as if nobody uses it. Maybe change it to a better item pool as it seems to offer to buy things I never have even heard of sometimes.

  9. With the gang update, make capture points around the map that can be captures by gangs and will give gang xp. Also include special perks that you can get with gangxp/money. Also have something in like a gang ui that would distinguish enemy gangs from friendly gangs,  etc.


    also with the gang update, you could add an NPC that gives you quests to earn gang xp or something similar.


    A quest could be to kill someone from an enemy gang, or maybe give the NPC a gun, or capture a certain capture point.

  10. I personally find it annoying that people do


    " @ admin to me i have question"





    Theres also the people who say "@ rdm" then spam random letters to get over the 50 character limit, it would be way better if the situation was explained more instead of just spamming random letters.




    Also, a message to players. If someone randomly kills you and you don't know why, ask them yourself first. Sometimes it's not RDM. As neko said, chill with the @ button lol

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