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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by govector

  1. I mean, this has been known for a while, and if anyone mass rdms with it in spawn, there is no getting out of that, but it might be a possibility that sugar could fix it. I wouldn't worry too much though, if anyone mass rdms they are almost instantly banned.
  2. Dude, think about it this way: a breaching charge can blow up a SINGLE door and then it is gone. That cost 10$ or 12.5 mil. Now think about a slegdehammer, which can be used as BOTH a weapon and raiding tool with unlimited uses in 1 life. Compare those 2 in your head for a second, and now you will see where I am coming from. It is considered a rare, even if easy to make. It is not meant to be regularly used on a cc. Armor on spawn is not a bug (I don't believe) you just need to pm sugar about it.
  3. Because they aren't available... PM sugar about armor on spawn and a sledgehammer is considered a "rare" item, so they is a reason its not on there.
  4. Can you please clarify/make it a rule that cops MUST attempt to arrest you unless you use lethal force against them? I was talking to Cullen about this the other day, and we both agreed on they should have to do that before instantly shooting you. The other day, and many other times, I have been kidnapping someone and a cop just shoots me and every mod has said they are just doing their job or something like that, so please make it a rule that they must arrest first. Thanks!
  5. I was having the same issue actually, I would say it's medium only because not being able to use number keys to switch weapons is EXTREMELY annoying, flashlight not so much, but I would make it more medium, but this was 100 % happening to me as well.
  6. That's because the bulldog isn't a shotgun and is an smg.
  7. Actually, it would be considered FDA if it stops the user from lockpicking, no matter what the circumstance is. I mean he shouldn't of warned you if you didn't know, just give you a verbal. It should not ever stop someone from lockpicking though, as it is FDA.
  8. Welcome back dude, hope you enjoy your stay and be sure to stay out of trouble! Have fun and hopefully see you in game!
  9. govector


    hecko everyone. I'm sure most of you know me or of me, but I am going to be making a big change for the better of the server as a whole, and myself. As you might know, I tend to screw around with my friends a lot and like to screw with them. I tend to have many wars, and such things similar to that. Well, as much fun as this can be, it looks terrible to everyone and is a bad example. From here on out, I am going to be playing much more maturely, seriously, but most of all, I'm going to be taking my job much more seriously. If you did not know, I am a trial moderator, and I tend to sometimes handle situations poorly or the wrong way, or don't take them seriously enough. Not anymore. I will be focusing on my job more than RP for a while, so I can gain back respect I have lost or have yet to gain. No, this does not all mean I'm going to become a complete dick and take everything way to seriously, but actually, I am going to try and be kinder to everyone and as big as a help as I can to anyone who needs it. I will still have fun and raid, and RP, but only to a certain extent, as I want and need to take my staffing more seriously over RPing and screwing around. I am still going to be me, just a different, much more mature, version of me. I very much so hope you can embrace this change in a good way, and find the positives out of it I still love you all, and I always will, but I want you guys to like me, and not think of me as an RDMer, a immature kid, or just someone who is a complete dick. Please guys, just give it a chance, and I grantee you will like what you see. Yours truly, govector
  10. Welcome bro, enjoy your stay and have fun. If you need any help, pm me or any other staff and I will hopefully see you in game!
  11. Lets say that hypothetically that sugar added this system of obtaining a free event token just by playing. I would say That he would more likely do the daily login rather than playing for 1-2 hours because people could just go afk. If this system was hypothetically implemented then no one would spend there money on the events because they know that there getting a free token. When you play MOST of the events there is a guaranteed winner, which will result in even more profit. <- Eventhough someone is spending a FREE event token In conclusion, most of the money on a macro level would be sooooo inflated. Basically, the only thing to spend money on would be Custome class stuff, which is a bad route towards the server. I do like your idea though, but this idea would really hurt this economy (both ingame and out of game) -Since people are buying stuff for there class ingame, then it would lead to less people spending money (real life money) on custom class stuff -> which mean less donations towards the server Yeah, I guess the 1-2 hour idea is a pretty bad one, as I'm looking back I realize that it would completely destroy the economy, but I think the daily reward thing could work, just to server as a little bonus instead of a bit miner that usually is left behind or blown up.
  12. Hey sugar, I was wondering if you could add some sort of other way/easier way to get event tokens, such as maybe on the last day of the daily reward you get one instead of a bit miner, have a system were a random person/ a few random people receive them every 1 to 2 hours, or by guranteeing one when you win an event, not just from certain events. Thanks.
  13. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053477936/screenshot/187291484504769775 Here"s an example, this was the kid who bought T-Mod today. I guess I am fine with it staying for the sake of server money, but after this, I feel like this was the final straw, for there to AT LEAST be a requirement for hours or staff votes.
  14. I completely agree with this, as people should not be able to just buy T-Mod legit within a MINUTE of joining the server, as all of the regulars and staff have absolutely no idea who they are or what they are like. There should AT LEAST be a requirement to buy it, such as (x) amount of hours on the server, or the staff should take some sort of vote, as we don't want completely random kids buying T-Mod, and possibly abusing, or doing something else that should not be done. Like Harley said, some kid who has LESS THAN 1 HOUR on the server just bought T-Mod, and has been no clipping around even after being told to stop. If the money from it is that badly needed, then make some sort of requirement like I said with a certain amount of hours needed or a certain amount of staff support in order to actually be made a T-Mod.
  15. He says "oops" a lot.. i can say a good portion of them are wars with his friend group, but it's a wee bit out of hand Well, I happen to raid PD at about EVERY chance I can, and I kos anybody that walks in, which is a lot of kills there. Yes, I do screw with my friends sometimes, but if it is too much, just ask me to stop and I will ::) Also, I don't actually farm that much, I do occasionally farm all day, but most of the time I am either raiding PD, normal raiding, and screwing around with friends. No, i'm not a T-Mod that mass rdms if that is what your asking. I raid PD ALOT, which is plenty of my kills there, and I also revolt and raid a lot. -govector
  16. I was just curious to what everyone's favorite weapon is, say what yours is below. I think mine is the cw-ak-74.
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