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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by TrustfulBill

  1. TrustfulBill

    Why Not

    I agree with remove them from tier 2 crates and remove the shock, but i have opened 12 tier 3s last week and i got 0 proc tokens out of them. Maybe up the rate in tier 3s a little bit or maybe i just got unlucky. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. TrustfulBill

    Why Not

    #Bringdownprocupdate +1
  3. Exploit Description: You can still make money with a bitcoin miner in a pickup box. How to reproduce: You have a pickup box and you put the bitcoin miner in the pickup box and it still makes coins. Priority: Medium/low
  4. I asked Sugar Tits (aka dad) to add balloons and he did. Didn't think he would.
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