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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by HentaiFapperSupreme

  1. Yeah, especially when the staff member in question is covering for their buddies. Thank you for your sympathies
  2. so staff can see people's deleted messages? ok. It's just annoying that regular players can't use them as evidence lol
  3. Point is that it is very easy for mods, collaborating with players to cover their tracks.
  4. I only say this because I just witnessed it happen. Now evidence that was potentially permabannable has been hidden.
  5. I mean personally allowing a player to remove every single message they sent on an entire forum post in order to avoid them being incriminated.
  6. Hello everyone, With forum posts, especially those in which reports/bans directly involve the moderators in some way, it seems unfair that a moderator can always get the last word on literally everyone's comments. Sometimes these final replies just outright lie and say things that are untrue to make it look like a report ended a certain way when it didn't. Sometimes moderators even let incriminating messages be deleted before the thread is locked, which is another issue. Would a solution to this, so that the posts are actually fair on those involved, be that people can comment and respond to the final approval/denial for 24 hours or so, just to clear the water after the verdict has been reached. I think that is fair and means that everyone has a chance to get the final word rather than a moderator who often firmly stays on one side of the debate the entire time. I'm not suggesting this to stoke anything up, I'm just saying it would be a little fair on everyone involved, and also, if it is fine to delete your own self incriminating messages, allows everyone involved to delete theirs too and not just those sitting beside the moderator as they write the final word. Thanks.
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