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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by creme

  1. Greetings all, HentaiFapper's post was not primarily focusing on deleted messages. We think it's fair that forum reports should still be open for replies 24 hours after its resolved. It's unfair if server staff make poor judgement, then lock the thread to replies. There should be some time for any party to dispute the decision.
  2. bro loves making false reports




    and nlr

    1. Willaby Rags

      Willaby Rags

      uhhmm.. YOU did NLR..   


      YNGSpider is a new player still and did not know about the no-collide rule. You however have way more playtime and know the rules a lot more, but yet still did NLR several times to try to raid us. So i kinda find it funny that you are tryna shift the blame when what you did is also against the rules and frowned upon. Not cool bro.

    2. creme


      i mean.. if you look at my stats and the both of your stats, I only actually have 10 hours more than YNG. You have like double the amount that I do.


      He has 80 hours in the last 4 weeks opposed to my 60 hrs (+33% btw). It's also just basic DarkRP, essentially every server has rules like that to not give an advantage to the base owner. 

  3. bro loves breaking nlr

    1. Willaby Rags

      Willaby Rags

      more like you. you came back to our base to raid us again immedietely after we already killed you

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