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  1. omg your so obbsessed with me im your profile picture truely im honered to show your shit talents in life 

    1. nicegirl05


      also u couldnt at least get a 720p rip??? proveing my points more and more as u try but fail to shit on me right idea wrong bitch XD 

    2. nicegirl05


      this well be my last post on this form or the last time i look at it as i have better thangs to do with my time you enabled homophobic comments to be said about me and did nothing about it you allowed me to be targgeted and descriminated against in your server which is a crime in some states and thats really sad to see if you would have simply moved us away or muted us we wouldnt be here today but because your lazy as shit and cant do your fucking job correctly were here whare your shit skills as a admin are on full display and again im not the first user to have a issue with you because you suck at your fucking job that you signed up to do thats crazy to me so do me a favor try to learn basic empathy try to be a decent person to others because in this moment your being a shit person 

    3. Zirconiumfish7


      Dude ur the one stalking my page 😭 hop off writing allat when u can write a novel instead

  2. Fortnitegaming43

  3. i havent even gotten started on you you literally sat thare while someone made homophobic comments twords me AND DID NOT SHIT then diddnt even own up to it when senour mods were looking at my report your a sad excuse for a human and i truely hope karma bites you in your ass so you can learn basic human empathy then to double down and degrade me calling me a twitter user for defending myself suck my dick bitch 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. nicegirl05


      also the literal fact u refuse to apologize to me isntead spewing out braindead rot and spreading more hate in this world truely pethetic of you 

    3. Zirconiumfish7


      this is going on my banner

    4. nicegirl05


      your shit skills as a admin your going to advertize? rip 

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