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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by toolsac101

  1. So, sugar banned me on discord for saying "Negro" "Nigger" and "Nigga" and i don't really appreciate that. Unban me RN
  2. Wow you cunt, this was an actual app thats abuse im reporting you
  3. I said something just like that to him in game, he just kept on saying "its not an exploit its a bug"
  4. I agree with this, some rules need to be crearly explained and more descriptive
  5. I don't think you should have been demoted, there has been inactive Tmods and not be demoted, PM sugar about it
  6. GG ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  7. Well RIP i put 2.3 mill in my inventory when my stuff was loading in and lost that money :(
  8. Bug Description: Whenever you come back onto the server your inventory wont load back in, sometimes the items will come back but other times it will just completely erase it can also erase all of your bank items (it happened to me) How to reproduce: re-connect to the server and look at your inventory (i dont think it is happening to every person) Priority: HIGH
  9. Yeah thats what i meant
  10. Is the kidnapped supposed to lose everything? even his physgun grav gun etc.? he cant move the body or anything
  11. toolsac101


    Bug Description: Whenever you kidnap someone right when you knock them out it takes away all of your weapons and you have to die/respawn in order to get your weapons back How to reproduce: go and kidnap someone and you will lose your weapons. Priority: Medium
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