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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Annex

  1. Annex

    Chud Giveaway

    Now this was epic!
  2. The main issue I want addressed is there is a large increase in the raiding scene of people just sitting at the doors camping and waiting for the owner to drop dupe. This has also been seen with people just waiting until the raid is over and killing the raiders for the boxes. This isn't even directly targeted at @wolf2297, there is a lot of people on the server that have done this recently. It is really demotivating to raid a base kill all the base members deal with multiple counters and get all the boxes just to die to someone who seemingly just shoots you while juggling boxes. The 10 minute raid time is frustrating to work with while solo as is with the new dupes that are designed to spam flashes and holy nades to by for a long time. I am not asking for this to be increased because typically any longer than 10 minutes would be overkill as it isn't hard to blow into even the best of dupes if you know what you're doing. I know @Jewannsaid to address this but this seems the most clear of the rules to me. @Jewannif you could be more specific on what your opinion on raid timer is that could help a lot. The blatant countering to loophole as mentioned by @bugmanis one of the more pressing issues. Maybe a rule that states if you counter for entities you cannot join up with the people's base you countered with. I don't know how this could be implemented, bounce some more suggestions around.
  3. As it currently stands raids have made a lot of progress recently with raid districts making raiding a lot more bearable. It was annoying to be shot from across the map by a defender you couldn't even see. Now I ask we specify a grey zone in raiding on the server, raid take over/counters. There currently is no real definition of what counts as a raid take over or not and can be confusing. There also is no rules written if raid districts apply to raid take overs. There has been multiple instances where I have had people just sit inside a raid district and then door camp me while im juggling pickup boxes and raid time. Should this be allowed or not? Rules that I suggest: -Raid districts should apply to raid take overs -A raid takeover must be performed before entities are inside pickup boxes otherwise its just violent theft -You must be within reasonable distance to a base to perform a take over (ie. not at the other end of the raid district)
  4. As I was mentioned earlier in the post I will respond. I agree that it can be frustrating as a new player to make money when the more experiences players raid everyone. Before I learned how to raid on the server, I lost hundreds of raids to more experienced players who wanted my entities. To be fair it is the best way to make money on the server but also I can see where the frustration stems from. The only other way I think this could be balanced is by adding more ways of making money like meth cook. Old players on Titsrp will always try to get the most ents on the server. I recently played on other servers to see what they offer and they tend to have many other money making jobs like pharmacist and illegal fireworks maker. These jobs have unraidable ents and have really cool systems that I believe anyone would enjoy. Im not sure if those jobs are open source to just add to the server though but I believe this can give newer players more consistent money makers.
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