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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BearPaws

  1. What do you mean by "RP bases"? If someone is abusing the Trisha launcher you can ask for staff assistance
  2. +1 Also make a button that auto turns everything into shipment form for ever more efficient sorting
  3. Showing a line of where they were walking would just be helpful information overall for a lot of things TBH, that's a really great idea. I also feel like the entire job of CP should be overhauled at some point, it feels like currently the only real use for CP Jobs (other than maybe detective and K9) is to just annoy players after a mayor makes Sweps out/Jaywalking illegal.
  4. The only problem is that unless you have a clipping software and are willing to make/upload clips there's really not a way to stop CP players from abusing this even if the law is clarified. I would recommend everyone start using clipping software and make forum posts about CP's who are abusing this rule if you are unsuccessful with contacting staff on the server at the time of it happening. Staff also don't always have the time to spectate and keep eyes on people who may be abusing this rule 24/7
  5. +1 Any of these ideas would be great, I think the ability to refill the sprinklers 2 or 3 times using water barrels would be balanced and fair.
  6. +1 Anything that makes solo basing more viable is good.
  7. I will say this now, please use this thread to discuss pizza tower and not other things.
  8. This has gone awry... Locking the thread
  9. Seems like it could be fun, I'll +1 this.
  10. BearPaws

    bird parcels

    +1 Seems like it could be a good way to make parcel delivery more fun and or viable to make some quick money.
  11. My concerns would be with how niche the situation would be as since the bird class can't access inventory there would have to be a restaurant owner who is actively playing and cooking that is willing to make this specific meal for the bird class for free. Alternatively the only other way would be inventorying that food and then dropping it, quickly switching to bird, and then eating. Also as someone who has personally experienced 4 birds being online all shitting flashbangs and stun grenades around fountain and PD I don't know if I'd want to give them the ability to be even more effective at shitting out grenades. Its a creative idea I'll give you that, but for the effort of programming it in I think it would underutilized and probably make the server even more chaotic (and not in the good way... (unless your the bird, that does actually sound awesome) )
  12. Big +1 I've personally had the pickup box spit out printer racks under the map or outside my base because I wasn't careful enough with positioning it when unloading. Good idea.
  13. +1 Becoming the mayors assassin should respawn you or teleport you to spawn, similar to how becoming the sewer monster respawns you in the sewers.
  14. I don't really see why this should be implemented or who it would really benefit. If you don't win at coin flips just don't coin flip
  15. My concern would be with new players joining the server, not checking laws, being fined for 10k for jaywalking or something, and losing 20% of their starting cash or being jailed for like 5 mins. I would be behind this if the jail time to fine ratio was also adjusted to not increase the amount of time spent in jail.
  16. By no means do i think you should be stopped from doing other actions while your items are crafting, i think once you've started crafting the item you can walk away and it will complete itself and spit the shipment of the item out whenever its done. I also don't think that 1 minute is that bad with the scaling craft amounts. Waiting like 60 seconds to craft 10+ of anything isn't really that bad at all.. not to mention how often do you craft things anyway? Personally i'd much rather have to wait a minute for my items to craft then sit there and clumsily fumble through my inventory for over a minute dropping shipments into my crafting bench
  17. A quick idea for a new item to extend the life of your water barrels. The Watering Can (Either can be crafted or bought from the entity menu) Can be filled at any water source (water barrels included) and allows the user to water individual crops with precision. This item could be used as a slower but more conservative way of watering your crops with 0 waste of water. Using it on a dehydrated crop would play a 1 second animation and then that crop would be watered while using less water than if you were to just dump your open water barrel over top. You could make its ammo water and say that a water barrel holds 50 or 25 ammo for it.
  18. A few changes I would love to see to the advanced meth cook class. Bulk drug crates and pallets: -When a pallet of drug crates is shot enough it breaks and drops the crates of meth on the ground -When drug crates are shot they break into baggies of drugs Now I haven't done alot of testing for this myself but it seems like you make nearly the same amount of money from doing the highly risky drug delivery event instead of the much safer hold r to pick up individual drug bags and then press E on the meth buyer. If this is the case why not make it worthwhile for players to risk it all by doing the drug delivery event instead? Maybe add a multiplier to the worth of the meth depending on how big your pallet is capped at 2x if you fill the pallet? Also allowing players to break down crates into bags would be nice as currently the automatic ice breaker has no purpose for most meth cooks as we do the safer method of picking up individual baggies for delivery. Talents: -Iron Lung: While playing as the meth cook you take 50% less damage from toxic meth fumes and they no longer cause screen distortion for you. (2 Talent point cost) -Vent Filters: While playing as the meth cook your vent exhausts emit toxic fumes in a 50% smaller radius. (3 Talent point cost)
  19. I'm sure i'm not the only player who finds the current crafting system incredibly cumbersome and annoying... Checking recipe costs, spliting shipments in your inventory, dropping each shipment and then finally crafting your items. Instead I would love to see this mechanic reworked in the following way or something similar. -instead lf having to place materials into the crafting bench and then picking your recipe the crafting bench can take materials directly from your inventory to craft recipes. -instead of crafting instantly items take time to craft and the bench makes noise to potentially attract raiders. -Crafting time should depend on the recipe and crafting multiple should add additional time that diminishes with the quantity (example crafting 1 bottle cap takes 30 seconds, crafting 2 takes 45, crafting 3 takes 50, crafting 4 takes 57, so on and so forth.) -Destroying the crafting bench removes the all the materials and drops them in shipment form on the floor. -Recipes cannot be canceled once started I think this not only improves the experience of crafting stations but also adds yet another thing that raiders can potentially benefit from while raiding.
  20. Having a button that quick stacks all the same items into your inventory would be an amazing QOL improvement. Furthermore a button that automatically turns all possible items into shipment form would also be super helpful. I've also noticed that several items have different names depending on whether they are in single form or shipment form, some i can think of off the top of my head are: -Kidnap SWEP (shipment) vs Bludgeon (single) -Landmine (shipment) vs infantry mine (single) -Filled barrel (shipment) vs chemical barrel filled (single) I know that there are others but i can't think of them off the top of my head. Giving all these items consistent names would help alot with sorting your inventory and making sure you have multiple slots being taken up by the same items.
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