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BearPaws last won the day on March 30 2023

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  1. What do you mean by "RP bases"? If someone is abusing the Trisha launcher you can ask for staff assistance
  2. +1 Also make a button that auto turns everything into shipment form for ever more efficient sorting
  3. Showing a line of where they were walking would just be helpful information overall for a lot of things TBH, that's a really great idea. I also feel like the entire job of CP should be overhauled at some point, it feels like currently the only real use for CP Jobs (other than maybe detective and K9) is to just annoy players after a mayor makes Sweps out/Jaywalking illegal.
  4. The only problem is that unless you have a clipping software and are willing to make/upload clips there's really not a way to stop CP players from abusing this even if the law is clarified. I would recommend everyone start using clipping software and make forum posts about CP's who are abusing this rule if you are unsuccessful with contacting staff on the server at the time of it happening. Staff also don't always have the time to spectate and keep eyes on people who may be abusing this rule 24/7
  5. +1 Any of these ideas would be great, I think the ability to refill the sprinklers 2 or 3 times using water barrels would be balanced and fair.
  6. +1 Anything that makes solo basing more viable is good.
  7. I will say this now, please use this thread to discuss pizza tower and not other things.
  8. This has gone awry... Locking the thread
  9. Seems like it could be fun, I'll +1 this.
  10. BearPaws

    bird parcels

    +1 Seems like it could be a good way to make parcel delivery more fun and or viable to make some quick money.
  11. My concerns would be with how niche the situation would be as since the bird class can't access inventory there would have to be a restaurant owner who is actively playing and cooking that is willing to make this specific meal for the bird class for free. Alternatively the only other way would be inventorying that food and then dropping it, quickly switching to bird, and then eating. Also as someone who has personally experienced 4 birds being online all shitting flashbangs and stun grenades around fountain and PD I don't know if I'd want to give them the ability to be even more effective at shitting out grenades. Its a creative idea I'll give you that, but for the effort of programming it in I think it would underutilized and probably make the server even more chaotic (and not in the good way... (unless your the bird, that does actually sound awesome) )
  12. Big +1 I've personally had the pickup box spit out printer racks under the map or outside my base because I wasn't careful enough with positioning it when unloading. Good idea.
  13. +1 Becoming the mayors assassin should respawn you or teleport you to spawn, similar to how becoming the sewer monster respawns you in the sewers.
  14. I don't really see why this should be implemented or who it would really benefit. If you don't win at coin flips just don't coin flip
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