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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by GSP

  1. GSP


    Sounds like something an undercover Goatnuts would say ...
  2. GSP

    Chud Giveaway

    I love racoons
  3. Its more to solve the issue of new players calling admin pedos when they join the server. I know about this but it still doesn't make it better plus a lot of people also have the same opinion on the subject I just feel like it doesn't serve any real purpose and would'nt be something very hard to change
  4. @MerhaculousHow so ??? Since when is it cringe to not tolerate pedos ? Is being an edgelord simply normal to you ? Idk if anything your response is embarassing.
  5. My sugestion is quite simple. I simply think pedobear doesn't have it's place in the tits rp loading screen. It's meaning is grim and kind of gross. Also, I think it is isn't nice for staff because it occasionaly makes new players think making illegal thing jokes are ok on this server witch they absolutly aren't. Let me know what y'all think GSPean
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