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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by elonmusk

  1. RuleHaving a firearm without a license: If you are searched and possess a weapon without a license you can be arrested. Police need a valid RP reason or probable cause to randomly search you for illegal weapons. (ex. You advertise illegal items/services for sale, you brandish a firearm, or you have an active bounty). — You can be arrested for these actions


    The rules specify that unlicensed possession and brandishing of firearms warrant a weapon check. Is brandishing defined as merely holding a weapon, or does it involve actively aiming or flaunting it? For example, if I'm roleplaying as Chucky and holding a knife, does that count as brandishing that justifies a check? If any illegal weapon is discovered during such a check, regardless of type, does that lead to arrest?


    I'm trying to determine: Does merely holding a weapon without a license, regardless of type, justify a weapon check and potentially lead to arrest? If so, why do the rules specify only firearms as illegal unless any weapon is discovered upon search?


    Instances of Arrest for Holding a Knife:



    Using the handcuff menu, if someone repeatedly warrants a fine, am I allowed to arrest them? For example, if I fine someone for building in the streets and they continue, does that warrant an arrest or should I just fine them again?

    • crybaby -1 1
  2. Under the clear rule header 'You can be arrested for these actions,' possessing a firearm without a license is explicitly listed as an arrestable offense. The rule states, 'A Police may randomly search you if they have reason to believe you possess an unlicensed weapon, but it is a hostile action and you may fight back.' Ultimately, regardless of whether he was actively brandishing the weapon, I had full authority to proceed with the arrest. My suspicion was justified when the individual, a citizen, aimed a firearm at me without a visible weapon's license. This led me to conduct a weapon check, confirming the possession of an unlicensed firearm, and resulted in his arrest in accordance with the rules.

  3. 1 hour ago, Insurance Agent said:

    first topic i was going off what i remember being the rule for that. and tapwater knew it that way as well but letter of rules does seem to contradict that. Would love to see some elaboration on that from someone more knowledgeable than us as im still adjusting to some newer rule changes. now as for the NLR situation.


    So TLDR for today's NLR situation. he cuffed party member, i party assist killed him, 15 seconds later after hes dead he makes me wanted which breaks nlr simple enough. I went 1 district over raided a noob and as i turn around i see him flying at me gun him down and notice im also wanted. Vote demote him for NLR, he gets pissy about the demote and throws a fit so we turn it into a sit. TLDR he feels that since the rules dont say he cant want me its not NLR.


    Edit Bone clarified on the RDA case he was just in his way of arresting and im glad i could be corrected on the matter but i stand my ground on the NLR topic

    I think you might feel I'm attacking you, given phrases like 'he gets pissy' and 'throws a fit' you used, which isn’t accurate. I'm genuinely trying to deepen my understanding of the game's rules. In the NLR incident, you helped your friend by killing me after I cuffed him. Since the rules weren’t clear on whether I could 'want' you afterwards, I decided to do so. Shortly after, I pursued other bounties as usual and unknowingly picked one for the person I had previously fined—I assumed there was no NLR since he hadn't killed me. When I reached the distant location, you were unexpectedly there, killed me again, and initiated a demotion against me. This sequence of events led to an admin sit being held against me, which is why I've posted here. I’m seeking to clarify the rules, not to provoke or blame. You're a capable mod, though it seems there's a general lack of clarity about the rules among mods, which is understandable. Please know this isn’t meant as an attack; I value your role and input.

  4. During my shift as an undercover officer, I suspected a man was carrying an illegal weapon and confirmed it upon search; he was unlicensed. However, I was called into an admin sit under the pretext of RDA. There, I clarified that my arrest was justified by the 'Illegal Activities' section of the rules, which allows arrests for unlicensed weapons if there's probable cause—like his firearm brandishing.


    In response, the administrator pointed out unwritten rules that contradict the official ones, claiming my arrest was unjustified without explicit laws against weapons.


    I'm writing to clarify: Is there truly an unwritten rule that conflicts with our formal policies? If so, why haven't the official rules been updated to reflect this? The existence of unwritten rules often leads to confusion, as I discover them only upon facing penalties. How can I adhere to rules I'm unaware of until it's too late?


    For additional context, here’s the video link: 


    On a different note, as a role-playing police officer, can citizens be fined for offenses listed in the handcuff menu, like building in the streets, without specific laws from the Mayor or established default laws?


    Furthermore, I seek clarity on the NLR rule, especially regarding the action of 'wanting' someone after they've killed you. The rule advises using best judgment for scenarios like returning to a place of death, but it doesn't address 'wanting' someone directly. This ambiguity complicates enforcement, as the rule seems to lean on subjective interpretation. Could this action be justifiably included under the current guidelines of the NLR rule, particularly given the server's flexible approach to rule violations?


    Additionally, the 'Illegal Activities' section explicitly states that unlicensed weapons are illegal. This raises a question: am I authorized to arrest anyone brandishing a firearm without a license, regardless of whether it's part of their spawn equipment or custom class? Does this rule also allow me to penalize individuals found with illegal weapons upon search, irrespective of how they acquired them?

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