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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by ZhunterX

  1. Both Great suggestions and I love that I'm not the only one who has some ideas to better the job, hopefully these are seen and considered!
  2. This is true, I just wish it was stated or had an XP thing in the job description so players who are new and play the job are aware of this.
  3. I enjoy this suggestion/idea, hopefully this is considered as well!
  4. I understand but at least those jobs you suggested gain XP for playing their role, while the shark does not have anyway to gain XP while playing. If the only incentive to play the job is to kill in the ocean then the job will only ever be used when there are a lot of players playing as scuba or crabs. I think it should be a job you can play and experience regardless if there are other players in the ocean.
  5. So I've been playing Tits for a while now, and one of the jobs i think deserves some more attention and love is the Shark Job. The concept itself is pretty simple, you kill people who go into the ocean where you live. That is awesome and would allow people who just like to kill others a way of doing so. However there are two major issues with the job that make it unused and very situational. 1. There is no way to gain XP while playing the job (Except the server XP given after a certain amount of time) Since there is no way for the shark to gain XP, it gives the player little to no incentive to play the job unless they really only want to play the job to kill other players. If the Shark had a way to gain XP I believe more people would use it, which in turn would give the ocean/beach more life and bring more fear to those who love to scuba dive. My suggestion for XP is allow the shark to be able to consume the trash or shipwreck crates that spawn in the ocean, that way scuba divers have to be more aware of what's around them and hurry to make sure they can secure their loot. It doesn't have to be a lot of XP, but anything to give players an incentive to play the job is welcome. 2. It is locked behind the VIP Job list Since I've started the Shark has always been under the VIP List, so I'm unsure if it had previously been an open job to all and then set to VIP only or if its always been this way. Either way I think this is a major issue for the jobs usage since now it is much harder for new players to gain VIP compared to before when all they had to do was save up some money and buy it from the VIP NPC. The only way to obtain it now is through the quest shop for 15 quest tokens, which for those of us who are on the XP Grind don't mind it. However, new players usually don't understand quests and don't end up getting quest tokens until at least 12 or more hours of playtime. So because of this the new players who just want to have a fun time and don't care about investing time into quests, miss out on getting to role play or just play as the shark job. Making it again, under used and leaving the ocean more desolate. I think the easy solution to this issue is to move the job to the "Stupid Jobs" or "Weird jobs" category and allow for people without VIP to play as it. In conclusion I enjoy TitsRP and wish for it to stay popular for a long time, and I think improving/updating jobs that are rarely used can help the servers longevity a lot!
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