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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Jashinkyo

  1. KK were you not asked to completely break contact with me? I will happily get that ticket re-opened if it happens again.
  2. I didn't run from a sit. And had no prior warns on my profile. So I feel this ban was unnecessary. I guess the next thing to do is file a mod report, thanks Tyz37!
  3. Was recently banned, don't care to appeal. Just going to see if anyone can show to me in the rules where a ban can be classified as FTC. Some 5head mod decided to hit me with a ban today after being warned for typing a certain message, a mod pulled me aside and said that the message need not be said again. Easy, told him I understood said in advert chat that we will not be doing what my previous message had said, although it was a joke on a particular server drama incident where someone who did this act was not banned lmao. Got a 3 day break for "failure to comply" I am all for mods using their imaginations for punishment but I expect them to also read the rules like us players do. I read these rules again tonight after my ban and to my fucking lesser than a mod surprise this ban is in no way covered in any rules. Just wondering if anyone else can point out to me where "failure to comply" is a valid ban reason/a rule shown in the rule book so I can move on or so I can report this super giga-mega-massivecock-5head-bigbrain-alphamale-sigmachad-feralneckbeard-ejanitor for being just out of line.
  4. After the recent server reset everything in my Jackpot bet was erased...
  5. https://gyazo.com/5eb81e88d70fdeeeb2b9897a1747adf1 https://gyazo.com/f64843a4f7c927f0fe6d8e3684b26d8c
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