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goodnight last won the day on February 28

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  1. goodnight

    Casino XP

    Comment: Only put medium priority instead of low because people may waste big wheel spins for this, and they aren't exactly cheap.
  2. Rather than talking like an adult, he blocks me and doesnt feel like telling me why he's mad at me lol. Don't need these kinda people in your life folks.  

    Stay happy and god bless. 

    1. goodnight


      Holy fucking drama.

  3. Staff can view things that people equip, so if someone is back to back equipping flash grenades and they're getting reports of someone spamming them, they can be told to stop. Don't forget that birds also have a perk to shit nades so if it's triple xp time for birds and they ALL have the perk... yeah you're going to get flashbanged. The item suggestion for sunglasses is pretty nifty though. Perhaps a future Battlepass item...?
  4. I've tried a few times but my record software likes to bug out on me if I use it too many times. Gunna just try my best and upload my best time regardless of whether or not I beat the overall record.
  5. Oh it's so on when I get online today lmfao.
  6. Oh no I -1ed something. If he had left out the last part I probably would've agreed. Not sure why people need to turn off their electronics when the people who are being shitasses should be taking accountability for their actions. Seems like a majority of this community doesn't like taking accountability. Now if you wanna argue that CP mains are being cry babies-- well yeah. No shit. More vile shit has been said in the shout box.. but for some reason it's only now a problem? Not all of us enjoy making other human beings miserable.
  7. I mean, if the mayor isn't specifically locking the panel, why are cops blocking it? If there is no rule against being in PD lobby (or law, rather), then I personally don't see why blocking it off can't be seen the same as blocking an NPC. If mayor does not want players using panel, lock it and make lobby have a fine or something?
  8. Holy fucking yikes. Someone has a lot of time on their hands... (goat please tell me you didn't sit there and copy and paste these answers from your poll because christ almighty, we could've done without all that).
  9. Or maybe it's not the game we're taking seriously but rather the massive amounts of shitty players and staff who think it's okay to abuse other people OVER said game. You and others use this "it's just a game" narrative very often, but Crab, are you not taking it just as seriously by trying so hard to hide said corruption and toxicity..? Idk man. Lot of bombshells were dropped recently. I think people are getting pretty sick and tired of these types of responses :shrug:
  10. When you are experiencing this, are you attempting to switch jobs? With the "new" f4 menu, if you're trying to double-click a job, it likes to switch you to the wrong job/ citizen. If not, disregard this reply entirely.
  11. Yep, had this same issue today.
  12. Happy Thanksgiving to TitsRP. Be sure to think of something that you are thankful for and hold that with you for today. I know I am personally very thankful for having all my basic needs met- having food and water to sustain me, a bed to sleep in, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, etc. A lot of people in this world do not have these basic needs, and whenever my situation seems to feel really bad, I try to remember these few things and think about how much less I could have in this life. I encourage everybody to do the same today. Also, I hope that if any of our players are Indigenous, that they have a safe and happy Native American Heritage Day!
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