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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by SirenFall

  1. PM Sugar Tit's or find the server donation paypal and then PM him or either way works!
  2. boi what r u saying ive been on the server longer than you!
  3. okay ill pm you the things I want to change and thanks.
  4. Hi again previously I bought a custom class, but there are some things not right about it, First it has no job rule set (I don't know how to add one or anything. I just want it to be a thief rule set.) Second can I change my free Player model to another free Player Model? Or it doesn't work like that and that's basically it. -p.s sorry if you are busy sugar or anyone who can change it please help and change it or answer my question when you have time. (i'm new to this too)
  5. Im new to these forums and website so I've recently donated $15 to this server cuz i liek it, Anyways back to the question so im a noob and I don't read a lot of things but how does the Custom Class work? Like can I make my own custom class with a custom playermodel *That's all I want* with a ruleset or what? Sorry if anything is obvious or anything else that i'm stupid about please try to help thanks.
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