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Guldan the Warlock


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Guldan the Warlock

  1. I love playing as the super creepy jobs and chasing people with my camera and drilldo its so much fun i get killed a lot though
  2. Yeah i think ive been killed by someone with that name I used to play world of warcraft and hearthstone on my cousins computer thats why my name is guldan
  3. you were one of my favorite mods cullen it sucks you have to leave i only met you once
  4. I think the stalker should have a camoflauj thing so they can stalk way better
  5. Sweet dude i really like playing as a stalker and just staring at people in silence they get so creeped out its so funny Your the owner right
  6. Hey guys! Im guldan and i just bought a new computer so i can run more games and i bought gmod to i just joined this server and its super fun
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