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187th that guy with the gu


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by 187th that guy with the gu

  1. Type: Bug Priority: Medium Description: I won an event today and was supposed to receive 10 random shipments of 10 using !claimshipment. However after winning, I typed !claimshipment and nothing spawned in (made me very sad for about 27 seconds). How To Reproduce: Win an Event and when you get the shipment reward try to claim them.
  2. Bug Description: I invested 116 million into the stock market, on amazon , google, microsoft, and abiomed stock yesterday and i noticed they went up when i checked the stock market on my phone. when I logged in today i could not sell my stocks because it said failed to load stock info and i have not been able to sell my stocks since. I also cant buy any more stocks either cause it says failed to load when I try. I have also noticed before this that stocks in general have been very slow, i dont know if this is something added so people could not immediately sell stocks if they went up a little bit or if its a glitch. Anyways i would really like to see my 116 million back. How to reproduce: Try to buy and sell stocks using !stocks. Priority: Med-High
  3. being lazy is not an excuse for being poor, and if that is the reason, that will only make me less likely to donate
  4. I think it should take 10-20 seconds before an item you inventoried using the inventory pickup permanently gets to stay in your inventory and here is why, Lets say im mining stones and someone just comes up and steals them. Even if i kill the person, i dont get those stones back because it was in their inventory. What if i fished up a parrot fish and someone decides to steal it; it means i just lost 20k regardless of whether or not i successfully kill the person. Also this would combat force-drop by giving the players who's stuff was stolen a little bit of time to kill the thief and get their stuff back before the item(s) permanently settle in their inventory. Also +1 for making a poker addon, id be sure to gamble my millions away if one was made. Finnally i would enjoy being able to upgrade the attack speed of the axe/pickaxe through the weapon modifier so i could mine stones / chop wood faster.
  5. Ok soo ive recently started playing on the server again after a 4 month break which started in September. After 1 month of playing ive noticed that most people are still dirt poor with less than 1mil, and only a few people have 20mil+ . So since im tired of hearing "boom give me money im poor" i have to make a few guides on how to easily make money. My top 5 list. (for newbs) 5. Money printing: Money printing can make you 100k - 300k an hour with the base 2 printers you can buy for yourself. All you have to do is buy doors, make a base with a few kill boxes to prevent raids and let the printers print. you will want to use a failsafe from the f4 menu so the printers dont explode. You will also want to purchase the super clocker, the 1.5X exp boost. The other upgrades are optional. Now as simple as this is, its #5 because most new players dont have good bases for this map and the fact that most people have op custom classes, being raided will be common leaving many new players actually losing money or making only a little bit. 4. Chem barrels. Under the homeland section in the f4 menu, you can buy a barrel. To fill up the barrel you have to put it in one of the many chemical hoses around the map. They look like faucets or metal pipes sticking out of the side of the map. after you fill up a barrel use your inventory pickup to store it in your inventory and you can either sell it to the general buyer or sell your barrels to a player for more money. Filling up barrels makes about 80k-200k an hour depending on whether or not you sell them to a player and how much a player buys them for. if you sell them to a player make sure they pay you first. This is #4 because although it makes about the same as mining (which is next) it is very very boring to just sit and watch your barrels fill up. 3. Mining/Chopping down trees. There is a section of the map with a 2 story house which is near an entrance to the sewer, and is surrounded trees and boulders. All you have to do is buy a pickaxe and an axe from the f4 menu under homeland and hit trees with the axe and the stones with the pickaxe. wood/metal should drop every 3 hits and you then use your inventory pickup to pickup the metal and wood. at this point you can either go to the general buyer to sell the metal/wood for $315 each or have a player buy them off you for a little bit more money for each. If you sell to a player make sure they always pay u first. This makes about 100k/hour if you sell to the general buyer and makes about 100k-200k/hour if you sell to other players. 2. Fishing. First go to the beach and buy a fishing rod off of one of those refrigerators on the sides of the beach. Next use left click to throw your line and when the bucket turns green right click to catch the fish. Next hold R to reel it in , and use your inventory pickup to pick up the fish. You will also fish up cereal, spirit jars, and guns too sometimes which players might buy off you for a high price. Also make sure there is nobody playing as giant crabs in the water as they will steal your fish. Lastly after all your fishing, you go to the general buyer to sell them. Fishing will make about 140k -350k/hour depending on how lucky you get because some fish sell for more than others. (usually make like 180k-210k/hour). 1. Slightly rigged Gambling using /roll. Using the 3D2D Textscreen tool, make up a number ranges for people to gamble on in a roulette sort of way using the /roll command. The /roll command rolls a random number 1-100 and will say "player A rolled (1-100)" to everyone on the server. Make sure people place their bets before letting them gamble. For a simple example: 1-35 = 2x your bet, all other numbers are a loss. So player A gives you 10k as a bet and rolls 24. you have to give them 20k back. If players A gives you 10k as a bet and rolls 66. you keep his/her 10k. You can also make a minimum and maximum bet if you like as well. So say like "min bet is 5k and max bet is 50k" or something of that manner. This is number one because ive seen a few poor players do this and have made a few million doing it with the low amount of cash placed on each bet. Depending on your rates, max bet, how many customers you get, and how lucky you get, you can make anywhere from 0- a few million /hour. In Conclusion there is no excuse to be dirt poor and i hope this will help some of you who are still dirt poor. Happy Grinding
  6. WTF? also word counter said this was 1035 words so it doesn't count Doesn't count cause this is herbs essay, who already had his chance. This is the 3rd essay I read today and I don't think you guys understand the task, I said to make an argument essay on why I should donate 10mil, not post some random essay in hopes that I giveaway. so far herb and noahmh are the only ones who have come close so I guess I'm gonna give the 1mil to one of them, or they can split 500k each idc. but so far I am not doing a 10mil giveaway, maybe 1mil so far.
  7. yea I hate to say it but this isn't really an argument essay. You only brought up why I should and didn't bring up the point of view of why I shouldn't. 788 WORDS THE LAST PART DOESNT COUNT! REEEEE yea the thank you for reading my essay part doesn't count so its not 800 words. rip. (I used a word counter)
  8. Sorry Noahmh but this is not really what I was looking for in terms of an "Argument essay". Even though you made some great points an argument essay provides both points of view.as too why I shouldn't do it and then why I should do the giveaway. You only provided as to why I should which was great but you didn't refute any arguments that could be made for why I shouldn't in a structured manner . You've convinced me a bit but it will take the power of another essay to make me do the giveaway as a whole.
  9. Ok so if one of you writes me an argument essay with exactly 800 words (no more no less) that convinces me as to why I should give away 1mil to 2-10 players I might just do it if I'm convinced. This shouldn't be a joke, I want actual reasons as too why I should give it away. so saying stuff like " do it because people are poor" or "I need that last mil for vip plz donate" isn't gonna cut it. So if one of you wastes the time to actual write this damn essay post it here as a reply. (that one episode of spongebob where he had to write an 800 word essay inspired me to do this lol). Also the person who writes the best essay gets a guaranteed 1mil if I'm convinced to do the giveaway as a whole. (9 mil left for all the other players if I do the giveaway) Make sure your essays are structured and not just a big blob, and make sure you take it seriously and don't just bs it and make it up as you go. lastly make sure you bring up reasons why I shouldn't do the giveaway and then refute those reasons like you would on an actual argument essay for an English final / regents. If I'm not convinced to do the giveaway ill still give 1mil to the essay I found the best. Also if I'm not completely convinced but I am convinced enough I may still do a giveaway that is less than 10mil. Also you have until 3/15/18 to post an essay, anything after will not count. (Admin plz close this thread after 3/15/18 thank you)
  10. As you all know the server has a virus or a hacker on it right now (or something cause everything has errors and is glitching out). So Until its fixed since sugar will be gone for a few more days, I will not be playing because I do not want to be at risk for potential viruses or anything else malicious. Sorry in advance for being inactive. I will be checking every day on the forums to see if its resolved so I can start helping out with sits and RP-ing again, so to make it easier for me a pm saying its resolved would be appreciated. Hope you all understand.
  11. In the Motd we should promote mass rdm and rda on other dark-rp servers so that people wont like them and come to titsrp.
  12. Idk when the map is coming out soo if someone can let me know the exact date for its release I would like to know so I can join that day to give away the 10 mil And based on the poll its decided that 1 person gets 10 mil (so far)
  13. +1, although I don't think that's really a map suggestion, more like a regular server suggestion. Maybe like every hour or two we all get to kill each other on the streets would be fun.
  14. Actually I think I will Announce a time period for when I'm giving it away after the map comes out, so that everyone who wants to get it can join. and then ill prob do a who can find me first hunt, or just do the lotto.
  15. well then all u have to do is play 24/7 until I get on and do the lotto, and then get lucky and win Simple enough right? ez peasy! Also if it turns out the map isn't coming out for another month or two, I will do a 1mil giveaway and then do the 10mil whenever it comes out. What about instead of the lotto we do an event? Originally I wanted to do an event but there are 2 problems with that. First I'm not a moderator/admin so I cant use things like teleport people to an arena and noclip, and second, even if I was I'm not exactly the guy who codes events into the server and I'm terrible at building things in gmod. So all I can do is do a giveaway whenever the new map comes out and when I get on. Also if any of you staff members have ideas on how I can factor this 10mil into an event plz let me know so I can maybe make a new poll in the future for a lotto 10mil vs an event 10mil cause I would love to do an event over a lotto given everyone wants an event too. And by event I mean we do something and the winner(s) get the money.
  16. well then all u have to do is play 24/7 until I get on and do the lotto, and then get lucky and win Simple enough right? ez peasy! Also if it turns out the map isn't coming out for another month or two, I will do a 1mil giveaway and then do the 10mil whenever it comes out.
  17. Idk I just heard its coming out soon or that the deadline was like next week or something, if it turns out that the map isn't coming out soon I will still do the giveaway just later.
  18. In Celebration of the new map coming out and the fact that I rarely play and that I'm loaded as fuck, I have decided to giveaway 10 million in game dollars to a very lucky winner when the new map comes out. The giveaway will take place when I log in for the first time onto tits rp and the new map is here. Next all you guys have to do is elect me mayor so I can do a lotto of a like $100 entry, (so that anyone can participate) and the winner shall receive and extra 10mil. All you have to do to try to win is play the game 24/7 to make sure u don't miss the giveaway cause I have no idea when or what day I might log/ what day the new map is coming out. This is my way of giving back to the community cause this server has provided me with many hours of fun. Also I might giveaway more than 10mil if I can get other people to also giveaway money that day that I get on. Hope to see a lot of people there! PS: I will probably do more giveaways at a much lower money scale such as 100k-1mil in the future but before that can happen, I need my CC back so sugar can u plz add it back so I can navigate the map with a Spider-Man gun again. Thx. PSS: If you guys don't like the idea of giving 10 mil to one person I'm putting up a poll so u can vote on other options I'm willing to do. From The One And only Boom Boxean For option 3 Its supposed to Say 1 person gets 5mil while 5 others get 1mil each (6 lottos). Sorry for any confusion or inconvenience.
  19. I said this one a long time ago but it didn't get much attention so I'm gonna repost it. I pm'ed Sugar recently and decided that I'm done with my life of raiding other people (I'm already stacked on $) so I pm'ed him about my idea about maybe being able to create custom dealer jobs. Basically you are the ultimate gun dealer where you can sell everything from pills, to guns, to drugs and ect. heres what I think the cans and cannots should be Can: base, build a shop, sell items, revolt, and use bmi's. Cant: raid, mug, steal, kidnap, pd raid, ect As for the weapons I think this would mainly be a defensive class so I guess the weapons could be a little bit more flexible in terms of having op weps cause your not allowed to raid, but that's just my view. Let me know what you guys think of this one.
  20. Speaking of crafting items, I would like to give my suggestions on it. How about a crafting system where you have to level up in crafting level. For example you start at level 1 and can only craft things like medkits, and melee weps. the more you craft the more exp you get and you level up as an individual. and when you get to level 2 you can craft lets say pistols. and then at level 3 shotguns, and then level 4 machine guns. and like level 5 would be like grenades and level 6 could be like disguise sweps/invis cloaks (higher tier items) and level 7 could be like the minigun and so on. Some examples on what you would need to craft these things. For a pistol it could be a combination between metal, wood, chemicals, and electronic parts (raw materials) for a machine gun/shot gun it could be like 2 pistols + raw materials For a grenade I guess you could maybe add gunpowder as a material for crafting grenades and guns? also it would need a lot or a little based on how powerful or weak they are. and for something like the minigun it should cost a lot of materials, maybe like 8 machine guns, + 10 pistols, and raw materials and such. And if you want to do this, you cold add everything from unboxing so instead of relying on luck to get lets say a cannon you coukld do an epic grind instead. So like for a cannon I guess it could be like 25 pistols, 25 machine guns, 25 shotguns, 25 snipers, and 999 wood,metal, and electronic parts + 100 chem barrels and like $250k and an almost impossible to reach max crafting level. so like max crafting level should be as hard to get to as it is to get max prestige on BO3 and have dark matter skin for your weps. Idk let me know what you guys think
  21. I read about a military job idea and I wanted to expand on it. So how about the mayor gets his own city (most of the map) and the king gets his own mini private city or section and each city has a military base with military jobs. so for example "mayors soldiers"/"kings soldiers and "mayors general"/"king's general". And the king and mayor compete for citizens and go to war with each other using their armies. (the armies would likely consist of their friends that want to protect them). idc too much about this but its just an idea that pooped into my head.
  22. On the map change idea I would like to suggest downtown altered. I really want a map change and I believe this map would do a great job as the new map. It still has most of the current map's buildings and it only extends the map. so its kinda like a DLC in a way. It also updates a few building to make them cooler and it adds a few buildings too. So not too many loyal players should leave. also I see many potential jobs being created for the map too, i'll make an ideas list if we DO switch to downtown altered. If we don't, my only other suggestion would be an updated version of towntown so we have something similar. So no evo_city or evilmelon cause those are too different. anyways this has prob been suggested already but I was too lazy to read the posts before me soo if this was already said, then I guess ill just give it a +1 soo yea. Ok so I just read the 1st page so I've made my own Ideas list if your still going to make your own map. 1. For the lake/pond you want to put in, you can add a lockness monster job maybe? or like make the lake big enough to use boats and hunt lake monster maybe? 2. Tall apartment building with bridges between them, so like snipers can move from building to building at a high altitude so they don't need to walk to the street, + more ways to escape cops and stuff. Kinda like the city 18 map. with skybridges, idk how else to explain it but the map divinity roleplay uses is the one I'm talking about, maybe log in or something to check it out. 3. maybe a secret government base with monsters as prisoners (basically ccp but in dark rp.). So like we could make a few monster jobs, human test subject job, and scientist job. and maybe a head experiment director job? 4. A Real bank. one that the banker could use, kinda like the one on evilmelon. 5. Maybe a little hospital for an official place for medics to work. 6. Maybe a terrorist bunker? 7. More complex appartments for hiding from cops or something. 8. Bigger Pd and mayor safe room. 9. maybe a pvp arena where you type !pvp and get teleported there. 10. this isn't a big one but maybe a designated area for sits that is outside the map. 11. A designated boxing arena inside a warehouse or something. that way the fight club owner and fighters have a designated area. 12. This prob wont happen but its just an idea, for the military idea how about 2 cities that have their own mayor or maybe a small seperate city for the king job and he gets his own appointed military and the mayor gets a military and they can declare war on each other. 13. A church for the preacher job. 14. Maybe a casino building and a casino manager job? It could have slots /roll and the extreme gambler. that's it for the 10 minutes I had to think of these, I might have more in the future.
  23. WOW THAT WAS FUN TO READ! also I know both sides my be like wtf boxean this aint reality tv, but you know if you re read this in like a month youd realize that this is so ridiculous that its just that funny. also ive heard a lot of map change talk and if we are I would still like to try out downtown altered, because its the same map but with DLC. so the playerbase shouldn't drop too much, and before anyone replies to this I just wanna say I'm not trying to get a map change but if we are that's the map I want.
  24. The majority of custom classes are raider classes with a few cop classes but I just thought of something, what if we made more types of custom classes. Or made some preset classes that people can pay like 5$ or 5mil in game to have access to it. This is what I mean; 1. A dealer custom class. A custom dealer class would be able to sell anything from drugs to pills, to bmi's and pretty much anything all the other dealers sell. 2. Custom musician job. Spawns with all music sweps and can buy all music sweps. 3. Master pick pocket. Doesn't mug/raid/base/ only has a fast pickpocket that can steal up to 10k at a time with a smaller cooldown. (should be aos on sight) 4. (this one would be for a group of people so maybe a vip job for this but) maybe a zombie job, where everyone who is the job becomes one of the zombie pillz and basically goes on a killing spree by adverting "zombie apocalypse" with a like 20 minute cooldown. 5. Custom stalker jobs; like you get to be an overpowered stalker just for the heck of it, maybe get an invis cloak, a drildo, camera, elastic restrain, handcuffs even (with out the fine ability) and can sell them into slavery (maybe make a slavery system). Idk I just thought of these. but like if I paid in game/irl $ for one of these custom classes could it become a thing?
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