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Some Donkus


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Some Donkus

  1. I haven't left my gang and know nothing about the perks or talents.
  2. they always are unless you get someone like me playing mayor and specifically making laws to counter minge CP strategies. maybe the better outcome overall would be to make random weapon checks illegal unless a law is made by mayor. the server population dips as soon as people start getting insta-arrested, which happens to be your playstyle. its a daily occurrence and while i understand that might be your idea of fun, it is a gigantic pain in the ass for everyone else.
  3. With all the discourse over this issue, I'd just like to point out I currently have an appeal going due to this specific issue. If ya'll wanna give it a quick look, I would love you forever.
  4. Yes, the mayor can lock it. You cannot. And you cannot prop block it, because it is an NPC. I think the only reason you care is because you were doing it the other day and making it invisible.
  5. actual footage of user who got shoutbox taken away
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