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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by watchmojo

  1. Discuss here, what could be the so called "Meta" way of XP and Money grinding.
  2. April fools day, I don't mean any of this.
  3. Titsrp, Titsrp has been a good server, it's at the point that many other Darkrp servers uses our map, the server peaks almost every day, never have I seen this server inactive. The reason I am making this topic is because I may quit playing on this server, it has been a very fun 3 years playing on this server and it's been great getting new friends, but soon I will have to leave this server behind to deal with some personal issues, this is watchmojo, signing off.
  4. Your In-Game Name: Allen C Hamiliton Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:560148150 or 76561199080562028 Who are you reporting?: Kkbones Do you have evidence related to this incident?: no He bought new headphones and fixed his old headphones so it should mean he get ban for 9999999999999999 minutes
  5. I mean, he keeps saying he isn't goatnuts but we all know that he is, right?
  6. saaame I want it to be fixed! People with no hands even though they have hands on the outside of their body gives me the ick!
  8. The British Embassy will conquer Downtown Titsrp and revive Great Britain! No matter how much cops raid the embassy with no warrants, we will not back down! We will rise!
  9. A guy tried to blame someone else when he MRDMed, but the logs clearly showed that he killed 7 people in 10 seconds
  10. tomorrow will be the 1 month anniversary of this post i believe
  11. doesnt matter dont care what good has it done nintendo are communist supporters theres more female models than male models
  12. this is a discussion, have the aerodynamics of a cow
  13. bye guys sorry for killing a dude once, sowwy sorry
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