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wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av

  1. I have a better idea, when people go afk, they are flagged as afk by the module after 15 minutes of being afk. This can be removed by moving, but once the server is full, it kicks everyone who is afk.


    This will solve the problem of the server being full and allow people to afk farm when the server is not full.


    Also, increase the server slots to 72 and create 2 staff-reserved slots if possible.


    I think this is a great idea.


    +1 For AFK Managing System 


    Oh, one more thing. Make sure that it doesn't kick staff.


    Agreed, we as staff go

    AFK a lot. For various reasons. Plus last I knew spectating a player causes your character to technically be AFK if you don't use your mouse.

  2. BUG




    •  No NPC will purchase processed drugs. 
    • When you place weed material in pocket, it gets re labeled as "cocaine" material.
      But when you drop it, it's weed again.
    • When you make a shipment of processed drugs and press "e" on the ship sometimes the product disappears.
    • You also cannot pocket the processed weed. They disappear.



    How to reproduce: 

    • Try sell processed drugs.
    • pocket "weed material"
    • Press E on a processed shipment. 1/10 times seems to dissapear.
    • Try to pocket processed weed.


    Priority: medium

  3. Thank you, I really appreciate this post since most people on recognize poor/bad interactions. But you took time out of your day to show that there are some people who still recognize when someone is trying hard as a staff member. This doesn't happen often, so it makes it that much better when we do get a nice post about ourselves.


    You are a good dude, thanks again!


    - The Anal Avenger

    • Like 1
  4. He also lied about his play time. Look at my reply to his app. 


    The only Alias that popped from his list was "sparky" which was last seen on Christmas.


    I was trying to have him explain his alias then call him out for the app


    I found no proof that a player named "Johnny the kid" has ever been on the server according to game tracker.



    Thatoneguy72 - 1-07-17

    FrozenWaffles - 1-08-17


    I'm also the only reply on his app.

  5. The point is that there was a live stream, and now a video of how amazing our staff is. 


    Sarcasm aside, it's the fact that players who watched the stream/video see how our staff functions. 


    Penguins fail-modding shows that it's ok to RDM staff as well as RDM the staff in a sit. Then it's ok to leave and re-join with no punishment. 


    Get ready for more dumbasses to try this crap on the server.

  6. tbh he was on for fucking 40minutes.....doing the same shit over and over again.

    But then again if no one makes a report then its like it never happened. But still this shouldn't have happened.


    Penguin watched it happen! This kid LTAP'ped from the sit. That's where it should of ended, penguin should of banned for:


    Mass RDM | NITRP | RDM in SIT | FAILRP | please extend


    This would have been over much sooner if he did his job as T-Mod.

  7. I smell more drama to come than demotion.



    Prepare yourself, I already called blacnova.



    Why would there be drama?



    Seriously?  This happened with staff on, better yet more than one staff member on. You don't

    Think there will be repercussions? People who watche his stream clearly saw a server that was an easy target. So get your ban hammers ready.


    this is honestly disgusting, and highly embarrassing to Sugar as well as all current staff.


    Graveyard staff get ready to deal with an influx of stupidity.



    Him killing the hobo 3+ times = mass RDM

    He RDM'd you

    Killing staff in sit


    The fail-jails 


    More MASS RDM



    What the heck happened here? The staff action was cringe worthy at best why did it take so long...



    And the holy grail of that whole vid?


    He was in the server for 45 mins pulling this crap, and at 1:09:54 he says 

    " I like how the admins have not done a single thing about this."

  9. T-mods kind of need noclip for certain situations.. Like when a player requests admin for say prop block. 9/10 times it says that you cannot Tp there unless you are in noclip. 


    There's a few other situations that come to mind but I'm sure we can all think of a few.



    More or less I'd say just be more strict, if a higher ranking staff member sees a lower ranking staff abusing any kind of power we should be able to warn them for it. heck that's what !Awarn is for. It's to show people they messed up and not to do it again. As well as its a written log for staff to see/keep track of players infractions.

  10. Suggestion: If you deal damage to someone. You are unable to use master sword (mainly)/lightsaber for 10 seconds.





    So you are saying that:


    Attacker damages Anal

    Attacker cannot use mastersword for 10 seconds?


    10 seconds is a long time, put a stopwatch on your phone and watch it for 10 seconds.


    I just think we maybe should discuss punishments for mastersword/speed swep abuse.

  11. Maybe even as simple as a rule stating that there must be a non fading door bridge to skybase. 




    That a fading bridge may not connect the actual base to any part of the map. Nor can a Fading bridge attach to said base, but may be in the middle of said bridge.


    This would allow a section of the bridge (middle) to be a fading bridge giving the basing party atleast a small chance of stopping a raid. But when the raiders make it past the middle of the bridge, there is a solid visible surface to stand on.

  12. Preachers and churches are just ways to make money IRL.


    Anyway.. Leaving the fading door bridge faded is not allowed.


    Here's a simple breakdown that I will slowly add to so stay tuned.


    A Skybridge that is always faded after the occupants are inside NOT ALLOWED


    A Skybridge that has no way to make it walkable NOT ALLOWED


    Now, a bridge on a button and or keypad is completely fine in my eyes due to the definition of FDA that is used on this server. That being said the player(s) in the base must use the said button or keypad. If they use a keyboard input (key bind) then it is FDA by definition.


    Basing Rules

    • Fading door limit is 3
    • Fading door minimum time limit is 5 seconds
    • One way props are allowed
    • You cannot have a base that requires special tools / prop climbs, onto the roof of a building
    • You cannot have a skybase
    • You cannot have a crouch base that exploits a head glitch
    • Placing a building sign prevents you from being raided, but you may not have any entites or any form of making money. This is a bannable offense
    • KoS signs are not allowed but you may have Loitering signs. Minimum time for a loiterer to be killed is 5 seconds
    • Trespassing makes you KoS
    • Your goods must be accessible in some way or form. You cannot just prop block them
    • You must have your keypads in plain sight and it must be next to the door
    • You cannot have a blackout base / super dark base


    • The preacher can skybase


    Misc Rules


    Rules that generally don't have to be said but are here for the people who need to see them

    • Dont weld props on the back of your go karts
    • Don't fading door abuse
    • Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided.



    Everything in THIS COLOR applies to this issue.



    As long as the skybasers have a walkable bridge, I deem them ok. If the bridge is a Fading Door, there must be a button/keypad that controls it on both sides of the bridge. The bridge that is a fading door also counts as such. So, if a player has 3 pieces to their "fading bridge" they now cannot have any fading doors in the actual base.


    Also, only players playing as a preacher may be part of the skybase. Since they are THE ONLY job permitted to utilize such base.

  13. "If you're killing during a raid or any other altercation that involves you attempting to kill them, do not go back to continue on. This goes for heists and other actions. You can however go back to places that your killer does not mind. "


    To translate, we can simply say "Do not go back and interact with what made you die"

    Now, there may be more complicated situations than this, possibly even exceptions, but this is what our NLR/defeat rule basically is. I would say that dying after attempting to kill a bounty sounds as an "altercation that involves you attempting to kill them"

    (Unless we're talking about a bounty hunter dying of means other than while in a firefight with their target, then idk man)






    Died during a raid? Do not go back until it's over

    Died During a heist? Do not go back until it's over

    Someone killed you? Do not re-spawn and hunt them down


    This covers pretty much everything since most jobs reset on death (assassin...etc)

  14. TITS RP

    Basic rule discussion.

    If you think there is an ambiguous/abused rule please discuss it here.


    Current Rules: 

    The Rules  <-- Click

    Rules Change Log: 

    Rules Change Log <--- Click



    PD Doors!


    Only rule that involves doors in PD that is on the rules page:



    Past the second PD door is Arrest on Sight unless said otherwise.





    Nowhere in the rules does it say we can now lock 1st PD door..[/align]


    except for here: 

    Rules change log <---- Click


    It literally says: 


    October 12th Changelog

    • Removed that the PD always has to be open, old and stupid rule




    Now as far as basing in PD:

    CP and Mayor's cannot base. Clearly defined in the rules.

     So, if a Cop/Mayor builds a fading door inside of PD but does not provide the code to all of CP. Is that now PropBlock/job abuse/FailBasing?

    ^ This caused a pretty big debate the other night.

    A Base is a private home/area designated for one or more players. Since CP cannot base, then how can a cop/mayor lock a part of PD and not provide the code to all of CP?




    Fading doors:

    No where in the rules page does it clearly define what we are allowed to do with faading doors as seen below:


    Basing Rules

    • Fading door limit is 3
    • Fading door minimum time limit is 5 seconds

    Misc Rules


    • Don't fading door abuse
    • Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided.


    But then: [/url]Rules Change Log < Click

    This to me allows double fading doors which I know has been a big basing topic ingame.


    Edit: Sugar just said Sugar Tits just said this in shoutbox.




    NLR (New Life Rule)


    The Rules < Click

    Rules Change Log < Click


    No where does it say that a Bounty Hunter cannot go back for his bounty if he dies. 





    Weapons Processor:

    This one came up as a recent discussion in game when a player asked if a processor was legal. No where in the rules is it defined as such. 


    The answer we were given from another staff member was:

    If this is true then why isn't every job that provides such weapons AoS? Also, why should the processor be illegal? It only has a "Chance" to spit out something explosive or Highly illegal, there is no guarantee. 








    Since there is 2 parts to this alot of over raiding tends to happen. Which leads to more complaints from victims, as well as Raiders claiming they don't see a cooldown in the rules. This just brings up a really old topic I started before the installment of "Homeland addon." Where I personnally feel that maybe we should find a way to protect players. Like a Raid menu where the Raiders have to select whose house they are raiding, which will inturn make it so they cannot raid that person for 20 minutes. 






    Calling For Admin!

    So, For players who do this.. Stop it...  



    For staff who claim these sits.. typically the players make a request that says "Anal Rdm'd me aisgduiausdasdawd asdawdasd awdsadaopaspjd." Stop taking these sits... Or quickly check /dlog and see if it was more than one. If it was then claim it.





    Trespassing is when someone enters private property without obtaining permission. Unless the property that they have entered is public. 


    This actually comes up fairly often in the server..

    Here's a quicky:








    Loitering is to stand or wait around idly or without apparent purpose.

    That being said.. What is Loitering on TitsRP? Is it standing at their door? The sidewalk? Within Melee Range? Middle of the street in front of their base? It's ambiguous. I understand that it may fall under "common sense rules." But Commonsense in itself is ambiguous and varies from person to person.






    Reasons for this thread:




    Also, it seems that not every staff member agrees on each rules true meaning. Either some rules are too ambiguous, or staff and players are taking this "common sense" line in their own hands.

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