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Bo Jack


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Bo Jack

  1. send me that addy i gotchu my boy
  2. I've PM'ed him, thanks for the info. Also have taken note of doordash lol
  3. Was curious to see if TITSrp wanted any more developers on the team? I have a B.S. in Computer Engineering and know a bit of Lua but of course would learn more. I like to code in my off time so this would be fun for me (also familiar with Git)
  4. https://imgur.com/a/xe10fQG Monitor is 2560x1440 27"
  5. damn fr? i threw it up on AH for 20m as a joke but someone bought it, kinda wish i had listed it for more
  6. anyone know the odds of one dropping from t2? I've opened maybe 150-200 total so far and this was my first
  7. https://imgur.com/a/etybOpR pog EDIT: (40% chance to burn victim)
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