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  1. Pt 1 showing today. https://streamable.com/gsyrg8 Pt 2 showing yesterday. https://streamable.com/aeja5b
  2. Myrtle

    BP Quest Bug

  3. Myrtle

    Server Crash

    Server just crashed about 10 minutes ago and I had been grinding xp, hadn't bought my lootboxes yet and had well over 15k pooled. Any idea on what I should do??
  4. Update: I logged on today to find the quest was not completed fully. When I looked back on the clips I can see myself looking at the quest screen and it saying it was completed all day yesterday. Server restart may have fixed the issue.
  5. i mean i was inactive for a while but joined back about 2 1/2 weeks ago and this is my first time encountering this error
  6. Myrtle

    A Curse

    Haha! The curse is in effect already...
  7. Myrtle

    A Curse

    He will now suffer minor inconveniences every so often for the rest of his life.
  8. Myrtle

    A Curse

    So I was playing DarkRP today, and decided to do a lil basing if you know what I mean. I slapped down some beautiful defenses mind you. But my man Tyz comes along with his boy Moply they both got hits on me. They shoot down the doors but I'm ready... I absolutely dunk on Tyz and almost get Moply but the 2v1 scenario played in their favor and I lost. I came back to see my printers and everything else destroyed, I cri. I ask Moply why he did it and he told me he was ordered to. So starting today I will be cursing Tyz for eternity. Thank u.
  9. Although I have to update quest data every time I hack something or else it won't work.
  10. I just did that and now it seems to be working fine. Thank you.
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