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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Wechico

  1. I can't believe viax actually went rouge because of fetus, I remember when viax applied and went through all of the training and hard work and he just KABOOM went rouge for Fetus.
  2. I have a suggestion for the server :) The Suggestion The suggestion is that we should add in a system/game mode to the theater called cinema. How it works Basically it's like the boom box where this time you can request to upload a URL video, or maybe you could upload a scheduled time for a movie to start in the theater.
  3. Ok I think I know the problem now, I recently edited my custom class with CC editor and then later I disconnected. Much much later I came back on and I tried clicking on my custom class and again it did not work, so I went to the CC editor and it said that I needed to be my custom class in order to access it so I guess I can't use my custom class until the next reset but I cannot wait that long everytime, so please fix this.
  4. I was using the f4 menu
  5. I changed it to medium but I am not changing it to low because I think this is a big issue for those who can't access their custom class
  6. Bug Description: When ever I try to click on my custom class it does not load up my custom job, basically I don't become my custom job and I have relogged on twice now and still I am unable to use the class. How to reproduce: You will become the job when you click on become job Priority: Medium
  7. Description: Ok so today I put 12 mil and other shipments in my inventory, later when I came back on the server nothing was in my inventory and I lost my 12 mil How to reproduce: Shipments and money in inventory automatically save when you leave and return Priority: Medium OK, now my shipments are back but for a while they were gone for about 30 minutes or so, the shipments and money showed up after I wrote this report so but still the bug should be fixed and I think the priority is now Low
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